On Monday 04 February 2019 13:34:55 Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Monday 04 February 2019 12:09:05 Peter C. Wallace wrote:
> Steppers still not fully connected. With the cable and connectors I
> have, I'll put 2 on each connector, saveing me a space on the back
> panel for whatever.  But that will be tomorrow IF I get the home
> switches rewire done today.
But thats not done yet, I finished up the home rewiring, and I may be 
getting a leetle bit schmardter.  As I'm  hooking things up, and getting 
sserial fails and shut down notices in the shell I'm running lcnc from. 
So when I got the last one  back together and it  didn't work, a 
shutdown left those messages on screen  Restarted lcnc and it works.

So ATM I have a reserved input for the probe, and the steppers to wire 
step-dir sigs to, and I think put the probe on a 5 pin plug thats not 

Then I should be ready to smoke test it by late tomorrow.. So far I've 
not given the motors any power, safer that way. But I had to redo the 
mechanics of the x home switch, buried under a bunch of covers, its 
probably still not mechanically right, but I'll need stepper power and a 
good light to see what needs to be done.

> Thanks Peter.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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