The talk is centered around safety because this is a safety 
discussion group.

     Answering to many threads recently, I must comment on your 
statement: "> Safety specs are construction and performance.
> They tell you what to do. No secret there." IMHO, with any luck and a lot of 
> work, safety standards in the future will not dictate construction and will 
> therefore allow real engineers to solve real problems by using their minds 
> instead of being trained (as opposed to being educated) to do things which 
> have been done blindly for years.

      And thus you have my half of the comments I will submit to this 
group this year.   Please keep up the discussions - this forum may be 

    I strongly agree with your statement about keeping it in the box.

           Ed Eckert, Nortel

"Opinions here are the only things that I alone own; my wife owns the 
rest and she is working on my opinions" 

Doug McKean wrote:
>    ----- E X T E R N A L L Y  O R I G I N A T E D  M E S S A G E -----
> Why is the talk centered around safety?
> Safety specs are construction and performance.
> They tell you what to do. No secret there.
> Emissions specs are performance specs. They say nothing
> about construction. Only one course I've seen for emi/emc
> offered at a school was a graduate class one semester.
> Even still, some things some people call 'fixes' have been
> 11th hour gasket/ferrite panic fixes as the primary emi
> control procedure.  In fact, starting out in the field of
> emi/emc, all one can hope for to large extent are 'courses'
> sponsered by gasket/ferrite people who want you to
> improperly primary design so that you keep them in
> business.
> ************************************************************
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>    The comments and opinions stated herein are mine alone,
>    and do not reflect those of my employer.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ************************************************************

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