Just side comments to hopefully get discussion going... (See Gabi's
email below)

1.  Can anyone else verify the breakdown voltage of 1Megavolt/meter for
air?  Seems different than what I can remember; but I don't have a
reference handy.  It also seems to me that this would be very dependent
upon humidity and pollution degree?

2.  I'm assuming that 10mil means .010".  I would think that such a
small gap would be considered a potential problem in certain circuits.
If this design were used in a hazardous circuit, wouldn't a safety test
lab short out the gap just to see if a hazard develops?

3.  I've seen this done before on circuitboards.  The ones that I've
seen actually had a thin neck of a trace connecting the points of the
triangles.  I always thought that this was done as sort of a cheap fuse.
Is this true?

My apologies to Gabi for not being able to answer his original question;
but hopefully addressing my additional questions will get a more
complete answer in the long run.

Chris Maxwell | Design Engineer - Optical Division
email chris.maxw...@nettest.com | dir +1 315 266 5128 | fax +1 315 797

NetTest | 6 Rhoads Drive, Utica, NY 13502 | USA
web www.nettest.com | tel +1 315 797 4449 | 

************  Gabi's Original Email ***********************************

> Hi all,
> I have seen PCB designs with two triangular shaped copper pads pointed
> towards each other at very close proximity, meant as an air gap
> discharge
> path for transients. Does anyone have information about such designs,
> whether they work and how well ? At a breakdown voltage for air of 1
> Megavolt per meter, they should theoretically work: 10mil distance
> would
> have a breakdown voltage of only 254V. Such a PCB design basically
> comes for
> free, so I was thinking of adding it on top of my already existing
> series
> impedance - TVS network. 
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> Best regards,
> Gabi Hoffknecht

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