OANZ2 is the CCN if UL510 is the scoped standard. Also consider the
requirements of UL 746A.

Many PET tapes used for transformer construction (most use acrylic adhesive)
are rated V-0 and/or VTM-0.

The principle reason for the "VTM" rating is because the tapes may be too
thin, so cannot support themselves in a vertical position during the flame


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: emc-p...@ieee.org [mailto:emc-p...@ieee.org]On Behalf 
 > Of McInturff
 > Gary
 > Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 7:43 AM
 > To: Scott Douglas; Robert Johnson
 > Cc: George Stults; emc-p...@ieee.org
 > Subject: RE: looking for plastic tape, ul approved adhesive, v1 or
 > better
 > I think the flame rating you are looking for is VTM (Vertical Thin
 > material) and as Robert Johnson writes below it is indeed 
 > testing afixed
 > to a test mandril. While it is aged first the flame test 
 > doesn't accress
 > the adhesive - at least directly. That would require a pull 
 > test of some
 > sort and again that wouldn't come directly out of a flame test. You
 > reference a file number - but under what CCN - plastics or a category
 > that would cover the tape as a more complete product - I'm 
 > not sure what
 > that would be by the way, but maybe some sort of insulating 
 > material -
 > self adhesive - a sheer guess.
 > Gary


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