Many thanks for helping getting a reply form the source. I mostly appreciate

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: John Woodgate <> 

> In message 
> <062220060603.17444.449A32C1000E06B8000044242207020853CECE020A900A02@comc 
>>, dated Thu, 22 Jun 2006, writes 
> >AFAIK, there is no spec on imbalance of (each diff pair of) a port, and 
> >I will check it with my local IEEE Ethernet spec specialists. I don't 
> >know if there is a spec on the cable, but I will try to find it. I'd 
> >really like to see if the requirement from the standard has any basis 
> >in the actual real-world measurements. 
> Specially for you, I asked my standards committee colleague Martin 
> Wright, who is Chairman of CISPR/I, and his reply is: 
> It is quite correct that CISPR 22 is trying to emulate the performa! nce 
> of cabled installations. The effect of installations on LCL remains an 
> open question. 
> At the time that this part of CISPR 22 was written, many attempts were 
> made to obtain data on LCL of installations from telecomms and ITE 
> installers but the relative performance of installations from an LCL 
> perspective was (and still is) seen as 'sensitive' data and was never 
> released to the standards bodies. 
> The LCL values in CISPR 22 were based on a series of measurements made 
> by Telstra in Australia along with private inputs from some of the 
> telcos represented in the working group (NTT, BT, FT and Telia). This 
> data was circulated to both ITU and ETSI with a question 'Does the LCL 
> shown in these curves form a reasonable representation of the installed 
> LCL of the cabling base in your country' and this did elicit some 
> responses. The curves were then re! -aligne d with this information. 
> From the perspective of the UK, I know that there was a major analysis 
> of the Telecomms network at this time which showed that very few lines 
> were worse than the LCL specified. This result implies that the radio 
> spectrum will receive better protection (in most cases) than these 
> values would suggest. This has the corollary that the emissions from 
> the system could potentially be higher than the limits allow with no 
> adverse affects. 
> Against this background we also need to consider the wireline proposals 
> where the radio users are pushing for limits at least 20dB below the 
> CISPR limits in order to better protect the radio spectrum. It would be 
> very difficult to write a valid definition of wireline which did not 
> include Ethernet, 10base T etc. 
> These two facts (maybe) imply that the CISPR limit is an OK compromise ?! 
&g t; 
> The current/voltage measurement in CISPR 22 comes from a completely 
> different approach where the interest is in the power emitted, wherever 
> it comes from, which also has much support in CISPR I. This only 
> consider LCL in the indirect way that some of the power emitted will 
> come from the LCL conversion. 
> As a final point the issue of LCL specification is certainly not closed 
> in CISPR I. There is a current active liaison with cable and 
> installation groups (TC46X, ISO/IEC JTC 1 WG 25 and so on) to better 
> understand the LCL and installation issues. 
> I hope this helps to give the background to the requirements but please 
> note that I am condensing nearly 15 years of development into this short 
> email so may well have missed something significant. 
> Regards 
> Martin Wright, Chairman CISPR I 
> Contact details fo! r Marti n are at: 
> -- 
> OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and 
> 2006 is YMMVI- Your mileage may vary immensely. 
> John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK 
> - 
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