In message 
dated Tue, 21 Dec 2010, "Goedderz, Jim" <> writes:

>Is there any additional response to Pat's inquiry? I would also like to 
>know the justification of a VDR/gas discharge tube connection in the 
>primary circuit.
>It would be useful to have that available.

Some information became available very recently. This is not a standard 
or even an official interpretation of a standard. I suppose it is advice 
having a strong provenance:

TC108 position on varistors having connection to the mains, also 
identified as voltage dependent resistors (VDR) and metal oxide 
varistors (MOV).

During the recent TC108 meetings in Seattle, October 2010, the use of 
varistors having connection to mains circuits was discussed. There 
seemed to be different opinions and interpretations regarding the 
requirements contained in several of the TC108 standards. This INF 
document is intended to clarify the current interpretation of TC108 on 
those aspects where agreement has been reached. Some issues are still 
under discussion and these will be explained as soon as possible. 
Existing requirements not addressed below remain applicable.

The following statements are supported by the experts and the management 
of TC108 on the application of varistors in the IEC 60065, IEC 60950-1 
and IEC 62368-1 standards.
Compliance with IEC 61051-2

Where a varistor is used in connection with the mains, it shall comply 
with IEC 61051-2. The combination pulse test of IEC 61051-2:1991, Am 
1:2009 (2.3.6, Table I group 1 and Annex A), including consideration of
the nominal mains voltage and overvoltage category, should be allowed as 
an alternative to the requirements in the current standards.

Protection of varistors

Where a varistor is used in parallel with the mains connection, it 
should be protected against temporary overvoltages, overloads or short 
circuits. Details can be found in IEC 60950-1, clause

Varistors in series with a GDT (for all types of equipment, including 
'normal' Pluggable Type A equipment)

Where a varistor in series with a GDT is used to bridge BASIC 
INSULATION, the following applies:

– the varistor has to comply with IEC 61051-2 as indicated in the 
standards; and
– the GDT has to comply with:
• the electric strength test for BASIC INSULATION; and
• the external CLEARANCE and CREEPAGE DISTANCE requirements for BASIC 

It should be noted that the use of a VDR in series with a GDT to bridge 
reinforced insulation was also discussed. So far, no agreement was 
reached within IEC TC108.
It should be noted that each of the mentioned standards is currently 
being revised under the TC 108 maintenance procedures and these 
clarifications will be introduced in the relevant standards as deemed
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK
Plural: data, criteria. Singular: datum (different meaning: use 'data element'
for a single item), criterion. 'Effect' is a noun, 'affect' is a verb (except
in psychiatry).

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