>That would be simple: two momentary switches to be actuated at the same
time with enough physical distance between >them....

That is exactly what will be enforced by this method: 2 crew members at
all time in the cockpit.
If there is only one crew member , no lock-out is possible, unless
he/she has abnormal long arms ....
You need 2 now to lockout a third.
Simple cheap and fail safe against just this specific problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Allen [mailto:john_e_al...@blueyonder.co.uk] 
Sent: Thursday 2 April 2015 09:12
To: ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
Subject: RE: [PSES] SV: [PSES] Germanwings crash


That's fine when there are two people in the cockpit - but what happens
when one has left to answer the call of nature?

Presumably the door cannot then be closed or opened - so it has to stay
open, which breaks the major post 9/11 rule that the door has to be kept
closed and locked at all times except when a crew person is legitimately
leaving / entering.

-----Original Message-----
From: ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
Sent: 02 April 2015 05:15
Subject: Re: [PSES] SV: [PSES] Germanwings crash

>Or lockout should be impossible unless there are two officers on the
flight deck (two security codes needed, not a toggle switch!).

That would be simple: to momentary switches to be actuated at the same
time with enough physical distance between them....

Gert Gremmen

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