Hello Peter:

I downloaded the TOS3200 manual to better
understand your problem.

When the TOS3200 is in "meter mode," the terminals
A-B comprise an ammeter (without the body
impedance network).  This will yield a higher
current than in the TC (touch current) mode.  I'm
not sure if A-B can have the body impedance
network switched in, although this is implied in
Figure 4-11.  

For a two-wire (double-insulated) product, there
is no earth wire so you cannot use the outlet for
the measurement.  You must use the A-B terminals.
The connections to a two-wire product are shown in
"b" of Figure 4-7.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Tarver
> [mailto:ptar...@enphaseenergy.com]
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 4:49 PM
> Subject: [PSES] Kikusui TOS3200 Leakage Current
> Hello.
> I am using a Kikusui TOS3200 to measure touch
current for
> a 61010-1 application.
> The product is double-insulated and has
accessible USB port
> connector shells connected to the secondary
> reference.
> When using the TOS3200 in meter mode (using the
> external meter leads), I obtain different
results than if I
> measure using the faceplate 5-15R outlet and one
> meter lead. For each test, I'm using the same
> networks when attempting to correlate the
> When using the outlet, the meter lead connects
to the USB
> shell.
> When in meter mode, I am connecting one lead to
the USB
> connector shell and one lead to the power
conductor of
> interest.
> Has anyone experienced this with either the
TOS3200 or
> other leakage/touch current meters?
> FWIW, the manual does not indicate any special
> considerations are needed when using meter mode.
> The instrument is in good condition and went
through a
> calibration verification in AUG2016.
> The currents are within "Measurement range
setting Range
> 1," but the meter is set in auto range mode. I
plan some
> additional experiments using defined ranges,
rather than
> auto in the next day or so.
> Peter Tarver

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