On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 10:28:37PM +0000, Neil Buck wrote:
> I'm half way through retrofitting a Cincinnati VMC with a MESA m5i20 setup. I
> would welcome some advice as to the best way to control the spindle. My goal 
> is
> to be able to do rigid tapping and fully automatic tool changes. My thoughts 
> are
> that since I am planning on adding a 4th rotary axis very soon I would like to
> not use the remaining spare axis on the m5i20 card. So I was thinking about
> using one of the digital outputs via a PWM HAL component. Then filtering the
> output with a simple RC low pass filter to provide the analog 0-10V that the
> spindle drive requires. The direction control is trivial using 2 relays driven
> from a couple of digital outputs. I wonder would this setup provide a command
> signal accurate enough for rigid tapping - or would it even matter given that
> the spindle generates an index pulse. Incidentally the spindle also has an
> output that indicates when the spindle is upto the requested speed, I was
> wondering whether it's worth using it or whether it's overkill.

On the Mazak at cnc workshop, we were tapping at 300RPM.  EMC2
switches the commanded speeds between +300 and -300 at the bottom of
the tap and expects the spindle to decelerate and reverse in a
controlled fashion.  If your spindle drive can do this (you can test
with S300 M3, then M4) it will tap just fine.  You should pick a
speed that allows the spindle to reverse in "a few" turns.

You can read about the exact operation of the rigid tap cycle here:


I think you can get by with filtering some PWM output.  For the NIST
lathe spindle I did that with a parallel port output pin.  But, that
motor control had a 0-5v analog setting and did not have to reverse.

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