On Monday 24 March 2008, Peter C. Wallace wrote:
>> I assume we are talking abut the steppers that drove the head carriage
>> through a strip of about 1 mill stainless steel ribbon about 1/4" wide, or
>> the same size motor but with a long shaft with a spring wire for a half
>> nut?  The little ones like in the 3.5" disks aren't ball bearing, and with
>> their 1/8 worm shaft, would not be too rugged a part for shop floor use. 
>> The motor I'm thinking of, and I have several in old tandon 5.25 drives
>> and the motor is about 1.75" square by an inch and a half long not
>> counting the shaft.  Those are well built.
>Yes, thats it, 5 1/4" floppy band positioner steppers. 3 1/2" floppy
> steppers are too wimpy... The 5 1/2" steppers probably also have higher
> output voltage since they originally ran on 12V vs 5V for the 3 1/2" floppy
> drives.
I surveyed the drives I've squirreled away over the years, and it seems I have 
only one band drive model left with the little square motor.  From the feel 
of that one, its a 96 tpi drive.

However, I do have a 6 pack of a similarly sized but round motors in some old 
MPI full height drives that has the long spiral cut shaft.  Motorwise, I 
suspect not too much difference electrically, but sawing about 3" off the 
shaft might not be too good for the motor.  I also don't know about the 
bearings, I'd think ball cuz sleeved stuffs usually have more end-play than 
could be tolerated in a spiral groove drive setup.   The shaft looks like its 
somewhere between 1/4" and 7mm in diameter.  I may extract one of those and 
see how it works & report back here in a few days, maybe asking for hal setup 
help to use it. :)

Cheers, Gene
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