aaron Moore wrote:

>I have added.. 
>loadrt hal_parport cfg="0x9000
>addf parport.0.read          servo-thread
>addf parport.0.write         servo-thread
>to my hal file (hopefully in the right places).  Can I not configure the pins 
>through the step config wizard?
No, you can't use stepconf to configure this.  Stepconf is intended to 
make it easy to set up simple machines, or to provide a starting point 
for more complex machines.  When you get to the need for multiple 
parallel ports or other hardware interfaces, the number of options grows 
so large that stepconf would no longer be easy to use if it were to 
support all that.

You can learn about how HAL is configured "behind the scenes" by looking 
at the HAL sections of EMC2 manual, and looking at the .hal file that 
stepconf generated.  It's pretty easy to get going, the hardest part is 
remembering that you're free to do just about anything :)

- Steve

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