it won't be real quick, but you could order that as a back issue.
> Jon


Is it fair to say that the investment in this publication is worthwhile?  If
so, I am not opposed to giving it a try after the 1st of the year.


Enjoying a brief warm spell here in PA so the opportunity was taken to
review the code you provided.  On first read, I had a great deal of
difficulty understanding the flow especially since I am so new to Gcode and
in general can read code but less able to generate it.  Once loaded up in
EMC, selecting the various paths and seeing what highlighted, a light began
to shine.  After further reading of the code, I think I finally understand
the general workflow in Gcode with O words.

If I wanted to do multiples of a more complex part, could I simply do a
coordinate shift in the O100 subroutine, execute lines of code, return to
the global coordinate system and end that subroutine?  It should reduce the
number of passed variables for each of the subroutines.

I really like this one you worte since it is easily scaleable to whatever
dimensions and count of parts.  I could have used it last weekend - My son's
preschool teacher wanted a bunch of basic shapes cut out (circles, triangles
and squares) so that the kids could sand and paint them.

Thanks again.  Feels like I have 1 candle power of understanding in a very
dark room, but lots of wax and wicks are laying about.

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