Here's a program that does something like what you asked for.

You might also be interested in the file 'interesting-subroutines.ngc', which
should be installed in the examples directory.

(- CUT HERE  ----------------------------------------------------------)
O100 sub (square [x0] [y0] [z0] [zr] [f1] [f2])
         (cut a 1x1 square)
         (#1 = x0 = left hand corner of square)
         (#2 = y0 = lower corner of square)
         (#3 = z0 = depth of cut)
         (#4 = zr = retract after cut)
         (#5 = f1 = feed to cutting depth)
         (#6 = f2 = feed for square)
         (assumes already at safety height)
G0 X#1 Y#2
G1 Z#3 F#5
G1 X[#1+1] F#6
G1 Y[#2+1]
G1 X#1
G1 Y#2
G0 Z#4
O100 endsub

O200 sub (l2r [x0] [y0] [dx] [count] [z0] [zr] [f1] [f2])
         (#1 = x0 = least x coordinate)
         (#2 = y0 = common y coordinate for all squares)
         (#3 = dx = increment between x coordinates)
         (#4 = count = number of squares in row)
         (#5 = z0 = depth of cut)
         (#6 = zr = retract after cut)
         (#7 = f1 = feed to cutting depth)
         (#8 = f2 = feed for square)
         (cut squares from left to right at constant Y)
(#9 = temporary for count of squares in row)
O210 while [#9 LT #4]
O100 call [#1+#9*#3] [#2] [#5] [#6] [#7] [#8]
O210 endwhile
O200 endsub

O300 sub (r2l [x0] [y0] [dx] [count] [z0] [zr] [f1] [f2])
         (parameters as for O200 sub)
         (cut squares from right to left at constant Y)
O310 while [#9 GE 0]
O100 call [#1+#9*#3] [#2] [#5] [#6] [#7] [#8]
O310 endwhile
O300 endsub

O400 sub (squares [x0] [y0] [dx] [dy] [xcount] [ycount] [z0] [zr] [f1] [f2])
         (#1 = x0 = least x coordinate)
         (#2 = y0 = least y coordinate)
         (#3 = dx = increment between x coordinates)
         (#4 = dy = increment between y coordinates)
         (#5 = xcount = number of squares in row)
         (#6 = ycount = number of rows)
         (#7 = z0 = depth of cut) 
         (#8 = zr = retract after cut)
         (#9 = f1 = feed to cutting depth)
        (#10 = f2 = feed for square)
(#11 = temporary for count of rows)
O410 while [#11 LE #6]
O420 if [[#11 MOD 2] EQ 0] 
O200 call [#1] [#2+#11*#4] [#3] [#5] [#7] [#8] [#9] [#10]
O420 else 
O300 call [#1] [#2+#11*#4] [#3] [#5] [#7] [#8] [#9] [#10]
O420 endif
O410 endwhile
O400 endsub

M3 S1000
O400 call [0] [0] [1.5] [1.5] [4] [5] [-1] [1] [12] [30]
(- CUT HERE  ----------------------------------------------------------)

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