On Jan 5, 2009, at 7:12 PM, Stephen Wille Padnos wrote:

> Greg Bentzinger wrote:
>> [snip]
>> I am not proposing using an encoder for coordinated movement feedback
>> like a servo would require, that would still be handled by  
>> counting the
>> stepgen output. What I propose would be having an aux input for the
>> encoders and a separate DRO display on the GUI like XA/YA/ZA. With  
>> the
>> proper ini file setting an "in position check" could be done (with a
>> acceptable tolerance factor) after each G00 or fixed cycle position
>> move. If an out of tolerance position is detected an alarm could  
>> occur
>> (the easy way) or a correction move could be applied (much more
>> difficult). Normally if a G00 is issued the tool is free of the  
>> work so
>> applying a correction should be as safe, if the tool failed to clear
>> the work, then the damage was all ready done.
> EMC2 already supports using an ecoder for feedback, and will stop if a
> following error is detected.  This happens during moves and while
> stopped.  It is trivial to connect an encoder to appropriate hardware
> (parallel port and software counting for low pulse rates, more  
> advanced
> devices for high step rates).  The motion controller already compares
> actual position to expected position, so if you connect an encoder,  
> this
> will work with steppers.  The only difference between stepper systems
> and servo systems is that with stepper systems, the feedback is  
> usually
> synthesized by the step generator - the motion controller basically  
> sees
> how many steps were output instead of where the motor actually is.  To
> use real feedback, just use the encoder input to the motion controller
> feedback input instead of the faked feedback from the step generator.
>> I'm guessing this would be very resource intensive. So a alternative
>> might be to use a non-modal user defined M or G code to compare  
>> and/or
>> reset position. This option would be handy for people using Step/dir
>> servo drives where they are unable to adjust the in-drive following
>> error such as Gecko 320/340 drives. Geckos allow 128 count error  
>> before
>> tripping a servo fault.
> It's not so resource intensive, it's already done ;)
> I think all you need to do to reset the commanded/expected  
> positions is
> to hit F2/F2 - machine off, machine on.  When the machine is in the  
> off
> state, command position is set to feedback position continuously,  
> so you
> can do things like jog and not get a following error as soon as you go
> back to machine on.  To match a gecko, you'd want to set the EMC2
> following error tolerance a little less than the gecko I think (so  
> EMC2
> will detect a problem before the drive faults and has to be reset).
>> This won't help a machine fighting mid-band resonance, or one
>> overloaded in a cut. That is a hardware/software issue where the
>> builder needs to know the weakness and limits of the machine. However
>> these comparisons if logged could help the builder tweak accel & max
>> vel settings to an acceptable range that will run error free 95+% of
>> the time.
> Right, you can't fix mechanical issues this way.  You can plot the
> difference between commanded and actual position using halscope.
> - Steve

If my memory serves me correctly then there might be an intermediate  
I think code exist by JMK to use an rotary encoder plus a linear scale.
Could this be extended to separate the I from PD in steppers and use  
an encoder on
I to drive final position.
Maybe I've been smoking the wrong stuff .... who knows.
More caffeine certainly won't fix things. :-)

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