Leslie, all good points.

The issue with number 2 is that it partially works. The title bar
changes the name of the script but nothing else refreshes. This seems to
me to be more of a bug since Axis knows the script changed and, in fact,
knows the name of the new script.

I won't need Axis once the machine is fully boxed up and stuck in a
coffee table and runs headless. For debugging and moving things around
Axis has been fantastic.

In terms of connection problems I'm hoping this doesn't become a problem
when the machine goes headless.

Too many things to do is a blessing (until I need help getting the
program working!)

Also, I've been writing quite a bit of python code to do all sorts of
fun things -
        Control the table using a web interface
        Command line arguments for truetype-tracer (with special sorting
for non-z-axis machines) 
        Chain class that works with chains of points (polylines) that
converts to g-code
        Pattern classes - spiral, sun, maze, text, lissajous,
spirograph, fractals all optimized for non-z-axis machines

Thanks - Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Newell [mailto:les.new...@fastmail.co.uk] 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:40 AM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] How can I get emc toautomatically run g-code
without an operator?

Hi Michael,

> 2. When a file is finally opened the telnet session gets an ACK but
> Axis screen doesn't refresh. The filename on the title bar changes but
> the code and the image in the path window doesn't update. This
> doesn't give you the warm fuzzy feeling that the right thing is going
> happen when you hit run!

That is to be expected. emcrsh and Axis are independent applications and

know nothing about each other. The only common factor is that they are 
both talking to the same realtime code. If you load a file in Axis then 
load a different one in emcrsh then press run in Axis, the last file 
loaded will be the one that runs, though Axis will display the original 

Do you actually need Axis? Emcrsh will run quite happily on it's own.

> 4. Occasionally when emc initializes it doesn't allow connections
> through port 5007.  I'm not sure how to reproduce this but it happens
> about 1 in 5 times.

I've had this occasionally, especially if I have managed to kill emcrsh 
for some reason. I never got to the bottom of it. Unfortunately that 
project is on hold for the time being. Too many other things to do :-(


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