El 04/07/2009 04:42 p.m., Rafael Skodlar escribió:
>>     Why didn't i paid for a working solution based on windows from the
>>     begining?
> We ask ourselves the same question.
Well... it seems you clearly can't understand irony... but i can answer 
to you... because i read a lot about LinuxCNC before buying the board, 
and EVERYTHING i read pointed to something that was inexistent, when i 
applied those directions everything was wrong, disfunctional or 
deprecated AND those disfunctions and etc.. weren't documented as the 
suppossed to be was.

>>     It could made me save almost a year of work in a project that is
>>     lost. Yes... i lost the project because my customer got tired to
>>     wait for something that WAS SUPPOSSED TO BE WORKING OUT OF THE BOX.
> So EMC guys are now liable for your $$$ losses due to your poor
> management, engineering, and implementation solution? No wonder we need
> silly legal disclaimers and licenses in source files.
Well... if you offer a manual, a wiki and a lot of documentation saying 
you fully support something, and "that" is suppossed to work in a 
certain way, BUT at the time to assemble the system one can find NOTHING 
is working as suppossed...!!!!..... deprecated configs, incomplete 
drivers, undocumented changes... you'll need a lot of silly disclaimers 
to avoid your own responsibilities.

>> Why did i believe
>>    1. There was real support on the Linux world.
> <search engine>: linux help
> Results 1 - 10 of about 130,000,000 for linux help. (0.15 seconds)
Yes... i  wasn't expresing well... i should have said "There was real 
support on every project based on linux" or something alike.

>>    2. There was a simple and cheap "do it yourself" solution bassed on
>>       Linux   and
> Cheap thinking, cheap results.
Cheap answers the most.

>>    3. All that seemed to be so easy, was really easy.
> It's easy for a bushman to catch a lizard for dinner. It all depends on
I made a complete administration program for my father's business when i 
was 18 and NEVER before touched a single programming line, compiler or 
language of any kind.
It all depends on SUPPORT, experience can be obtained when well supported.
Or you think a pilot can download or buy experience for his first flight?

>> Sincerelly people...
>>     The support on LinuxCNC is clearly the biggest weakness.
> 3.0
> California law: three strikes and you are out.
1) I'm not in california
2) You counted no flaws, but laps.
3) who cares.

>> Thanks to everyone who tryed to help, thanks to everyone behind such a 
>> great project, but i also think you need a lot more on support and 
> I remember your case and a quick search shows December 21st as the date
> when you were upset about lack of EMC support on this list. If I
> remember correctly, you took on a job without knowing enough about
> Linux, EMC, and who knows what else to finish your contract. Apparently
> you still haven't realized that.
Before doing that, and i'll explain it again because it seems you didn't 
read everything...
Before doing that, i downloaded all acailable documentation, read all of 
it, AND found that there was no need to be an expert to make things 
work..... well, that was what was written all over the manuals, BUT! not 
only needed some expertise also the instructions were wrong because 
there was deprecated configs, disfunctional drivers, and all sort of 
undocumented stuf.
Sumarizing: The documentation could belong to something else but the 
board i bought even when saying it was supported, functional .etc...

> My mom is able to turn Linux box on and play games or check the news
> without me being around. She never used computers before she crossed 74.
I started on a computer by the age of 10, and the first time i went 
stuck on something was when trying to make the 7i43 to work using the 
LinuxCNC provided documentation.

Give your mom the manuals, the board and ask her to assemble and make 
the system to work using the documented configs prior to  the ones Ted 
Hyde provided.

> Sorry, you're wrong here. DIY also requires KNOWLEDGE.
DIY is about "everyone can do it", the only needed thing is good 
documentation and was not the case with LinuxCNC.

> As Terry suggested, I'll be glad to take that "help" back and send you a 
> refund
> to your Nigerian account as soon as you provide it.
I didn't sent it back at the time for two reasons:

1) Ted's configs worked and seemed everything went on it's suppossed way.
2) Here in my country mail and taxes would cost more than the board 
itself. I ended paying more than US$ 700 when bought it, so your refund 
would be a bigger loss.
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