I can only agree with you, and i completely understand what you say, but 
you are not fully aware of my situation.

El 05/07/2009 06:59 a.m., Sven Wesley escribió:
> I honestly believe that EMC is not the way to go all the time if you're not
> willing to pay someone to set things up or give support.
My concerns, and my continuous ask for solutions... (and crying and 
whining), etc... are not for trying to do something cheap, free or 
anything else, it's only because i first downloaded manuals (before 
buing anything), read all documentation i could, talked to people and 
asked about what i was going to do, and... everything/body pointed to 
the same direction EMC2+7i43=working+supported and clearly was not the case.

I followed instructions read over and over, and made everything as the 
manual said, AND i was blame at the time for not pay attention that i 
was using a deprecated and disfunctional driver with the wrong commands 
and conf. files(for newer and 100% functional driver), then went to get 
the new driver, and didn't work either... and that was the thing for 
several months. Until Ted's appearance)

I bought something because there was(i found) a lot of doc. and answers 
saying that was possible to do something fast and cheap using that 
combination, if i ever read or hear (or anything else) i could buy a 
5i20 instead of a 7i43, or even another brand.
I have the board now, is not much more than a brick and send it back 
will cost me more than buying a new 5i20.
Anyway, i don't want to send it back, i want things working the way i 
was assured it was suppossed to be.
I'll keep complaining and complaining until i found that "so easy" way 
to make this work.

Now, the system is as it was some months ago when i made the tests, is 
reading fine from encoders and i'm about to connect a PWM motor driver. 
To connect that pwm i had to pay a person because here i ve'been told is 
not possible to use what i have. (Not impossible but too complicated, so 
i asume impossible is what they tryed to say -nice support-)
If i can make it work, i can assure you i'll publish my work (and my 
associates's one)

Best regards..

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