Hi Peter,

My point is that the I term is introducing the error in the first place. 
As you can see from the second plot, without I the response is pretty good.

I have been wondering if my problems  are hostmot2 related but I can't 
think of any way that they can be. The encoder appears to be reading 
correctly and the output is simply PWM - I can't see how that could 
affect the tuning in the way I am experiencing.


> Actually it may be that the HostMot2 tuning parameters are different for some 
> reason. Once the P/D/FF1 are tuned, I would think a much larger value of I 
> should be used, as 500 seemed to take more than a second to pull in a many 
> count error (I'm guessing the counts from the steps in the second half of the 
> trace). I would think that the I term should fix that large of an error in a 
> small fraction of a second. Also if the I term is too high relative to P you 
> will get oscillation (P is damping relative to I)

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