> I am embarassed to say that I have never noticed if EMC holds relative
> position information during a power-down, or machine position for that
> matter.
Only when you use the position_file option
POSITION_FILE = position.txt If set to a non-empty value, the joint 
positions are stored between
runs in this file. This allows the machine to start with the same 
coordinates it had on shutdown.
This assumes there was no movement of the machine while powered off. If 
unset, joint
positions are not stored and will begin at 0 each time EMC is started. 
This can help on smaller
machines without home switches

but this should not be used as a switch on and go option as EMC still 
has no way of knowing where u are from swithc off to switch on, unless 
your reading absolute encoders etc but then u would't need the 
position_file ;)

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