----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Radek" <ch...@timeguy.com>
> I admit that I don't quite see how these tool changers are supposed to
> work.  When the stepper backs up against the stop, doesn't it stall
> and lose position?  Is there some kind of feedback available?  When
> you start up, how do you know what position it's in?
> I have never seen a machine with a tool changer that operates like
> this.
Boxford in UK used this for small and medium sized changers.

For an 8 position turret you have a ratchet with 8 teeth and a spring-loaded 
pawl. Assuming you know where you are now (say tool 2) and each click needs 
100 steps.

To move to tool 5 you output 330 steps. You now know that ratchet is about 
30 steps after a "click". Send 40 reverse steps. The stepper stalls, as you 
say, but you are in the known position for tool 5.  Next move to say tool 6 
just outputs 130 steps forward and 40 back.

John Prentice 

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