Andy Pugh wrote:
> On 1 August 2010 18:44, Jon Elson <> wrote:
>> Our amps DO, indeed, have such a supply.  But, this one pulse each way
>> thing is needed to clear the shutdown latch in the IR FET driver chip.
> Would setting the direction to be opposite to the home direction in
> the HAL suffice?
> ie, at startup the direction is set one way, then homing sets it the
> other way, at which the drive comes up and homing starts.
Hmmm, as long as the PID routine is outputting a non-zero PWM value, 
then just flipping the direction would sure do it.
The PWM pulse needs to be wide enough to make it through the 
opto-isolator, so somewhere around 5% duty cycle would be ideal,
but anything over 2.5% should work (that will give a 500 ns pulse at 50 
KHz frequency).

This is essentially what I do in my driver.


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