On Sat, 2011-03-19 at 12:21 -0500, Chris Radek wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 09:13:27AM -0700, dave wrote:
> > I do a manual tool change by inserting a bit of code after the M6 ..
> > the steps are: 
> > change tool 
> > move to z - 0.5 above the part
> > adjust W manually so I can just move a 0.500 dia tool shank under the
> > cutter
> > hit resume and continue machining. 
> > Naturally you have to make certain that the z = 0.5 will clear the part
> > before you move but other than that it is pretty simple.
> I used to do a very similar thing on my knee mill, especially when
> using multiple drills in my only drill chuck.  The only thing
> different was I'd put the tool right next to the work - far enough to
> easily clear if the drill is longer, but close enough to use a longish
> dowel pin to measure.
> This wasn't an EMC machine but the ideas are the same.

I just sight across the top of the work to check vertical clearance; and
then approach carefully if necessary or plain play safe and lower W. 

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