On Sunday, July 31, 2011 11:38:39 PM Kent A. Reed did opine:

> On 7/24/2011 9:12 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> > Hi everybody;
> > 
> > I made another try at running emc over ssh -Y again this morning, but
> > it
> > fails shortly after opening an incomplete axis screen, as follows:
> Gene:
> I had hoped initially that I could resolve this problem with a little
> poking around but family matters now make it improbable. Sorry.
> Here's where I got to:
> I have an old Dell Dimension 2400 (P4/2.66GHz, 1GB RAM) with an NVidia
> GEForce FX 5200 display card in it running WindowsXP for a variety of
> purposes. Sure it's older technology than you're running, but I figured
> it was a useful starting point.
> Because I thought I was going to make changes to the drivers and
> configuration in the process of sorting this problem, I installed
> PCLinuxOS LXDE 2011.06 on a spare partition rather than just booting the
> LiveCD. Once it was up, I ssh'ed to another box running an installed
> emc/ubuntu 10.04LTS.
> Just in the way you described, PCLinuxOS failed to run glxgears,
> glxinfo, or emc/Axis remotely.
> For grins, I booted the LiveCD of Ubuntu 10.04LTS (non-RT) on the Dell.
> It succeeding in running all the above applications remotely. Even a
> LiveCD of Fedora 12 that I had at hand succeeded in running glxinfo and
> glxgears remotely. It failed with emc/Axis, apparently because of a
> missing font, not exactly a deal-breaker.
> PCLinuxOS turns out to do things just enough differently that I couldn't
> immediately see how to resolve the difficulty by comparison to Ubuntu.
> Were this my problem, at this point I'd dump* PCLinuxOS and install
> Ubuntu on your monitoring machine. I'd rather devote what time I have
> available to making things, but that's just me.
Unforch, ubuntu does this differently, including the gnome default, and a 
totally different security scheme.  I have been running kde since about a 
week after the initial 1.0 release at least a good decade ago.

Yes, I put up with gnome on ubuntu, usually long enough to find a konsole & 
apt-get install kde.  Finding the konsole can be a chore though, gnome 
doesn't want its users to use a konsole, so every new release seems to hide 
it one menu level deeper, and someplace that makes even less sense than the 
last place they hid it.  Hiding the most powerful tool the computer has 
makes -1000 amount of sense to me.

This is the play box, and pclos has been the single most stable install 
over the last year of any install I have ever done.  No crashes except in 
kde, which between 4.0 and 4.4 was a disaster, but to make an omelet, one 
does have to break a few eggs.  At 4.6.2, its bulletproof.

> Good luck.
> Regards,
> Kent
> *my thesis adviser once told me that there's a place for everything,
> including brute force and ignorance!

;-) You bet there is.  And I'll bet that his hands DID fit the tools.  I 
once worked beside a budding EE back in the 50's, typical starving college 
student whose wife would earn a degree in PHT.  But when his old 48 chevy 
needed a clutch, he wanted me to do it for a bag of peanuts.

I spent an hour telling him the cheapest way was to do it himself and how.  
He finally said that his "hands didn't fit the tools".  He was pretty good 
at analyzing a circuit with what he was learning, even taught me some of 
it, and he could run a pair of dikes and a soldering iron reasonably well, 
but hand him a crescent wrench to loosen a volume control nut and he was 
suddenly equipt with at least 11 thumbs.  Attitude was his downfall, brains 
he had enough of.

Cheers, gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Dijkstra probably hates me
(Linus Torvalds, in kernel/sched.c)

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