I had similar problems with an AVR32 running as a CDC device.  It turned out
to be another program grabbing the port - a modem manager (from memory).  I
used synaptic to find and uninstall it.  I've also read the ACM driver is
buggy.  I blacklisted it and use the general serial device driver.  I found
most of this on google.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sam sokolik [mailto:sa...@empirescreen.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 3 December 2011 2:48 AM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
> Subject: [Emc-users] Arduino Communication issues
> I thought I would post this on the list as maybe others have run into this
> issue.  It is emc related although I don't think the problem is.  I have
> arduino uno that I want to use mainly as a temperature input into emc.
> (spindle temp)  Plus it gives me some extra non realtime inputs and
> I Am playing around with what Jeff Epler had done here
> http://emergent.unpythonic.net/01198594294
> When I plug the arduino into the linux box (10.04) it shows up in dev as
> ttyACM0.  That is the port I put in the arduino-vcp.hal file.  The
arduion.py file
> was renamed to arduino and put in the /bin dir and set as executable.  I
> added myself to the dialout group.
> Now - when I halrun arduino-vcp.hal I usually have one of 3 outcomes.
> 1.) the pyvcp pannel opens and everthing seems to work correctly. 10% of
> the time (estimate)
> 2.) http://pastebin.com/qVa13VbE  (pretty much says it could not open port
> /dev/ttyACM0 but it is still showing in /dev) 89%  of the time
> 3.) http://pastebin.com/CvEBeCHg (seems to maybe be an issue with the
> setup of pins within the arduino.py file) 1% of the time
> Now I have tried this on 2 different computer with the same result.  It
> the serial port gets locked some how.  I did add some rules in the rules.d
> directory with the same results..  (like I say - the port shows up in
> Seb had me run a trace on the port 'strace hd /dev/ttyACM0' and got
> http://pastebin.com/SgMjTbpB
> I am still searching and searching but am coming up with not good solution
> yet.
> Thanks!
> sam
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