On Thursday, March 22, 2012 03:52:18 PM Kirk Wallace did opine:

> On Thu, 2012-03-22 at 20:09 +1100, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > On 21.03.12 10:27, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 19:24 +1100, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > > > On 20.03.12 22:21, Kirk Wallace wrote:
> > > > > If there [were]
> > > 
> > > "where" might have been a left over accent from Saint Patrick's Day.
> > 
> > Please accept my apologies for the pedantry. (One possible
> > compensation is that a little bit of obsessive-compulsive focus is
> > good for making progress on a software project.)
> I try not to make comments on others spelling and grammar because I'm
> not really very good with these myself, but I consider language a
> foundation skill that needs to be well maintained and preserved, so I
> don't mind being corrected at all. Lax use of language starts to dilute
> its utility, making it harder to use and less accurate, eventually
> becoming useless, along with everything else that depends on it.
> > > Since, at touch off tool change periods, we are between separate
> > > part files, the operator can do whatever is normally done to set up
> > > a job, such as jog to the workpiece, pull out a favorite dowel pin
> > > and finely jog for a proper slip fit between the bit and workpiece,
> > > enter in the proper offset, repeat for each axis and finish with
> > > clicking "Resume" but actually starting a new run.
> I still need to check on what is available from GladeVCP (just
> installing it may be an ordeal) and outline the manual process.
> Gene, I brought your name up because you have documented your exploits
> fairly well. I don't really regret your, or any one's, use of O-words, I
> regret the complexity that comes with it, and I sometimes vent that
> regret.

No apologies needed Kirk.  I rather enjoy your command of the language as 
it reflects to continued use of at least 6-8 more years in the ivy halls of 
a higher education facility than I had the ability to do 60+ years ago.  My 
health was a disaster then, I spent a good decade with sinus headaches that 
were literally blinding about 10% of the time.  The local Osteo filled me 
up with penn and made me deadly allergic to it, trying to kill what he must 
have thought was an infection, but it took me moving to the other end of 
the state & changing Doctors to find I was allergic to milk!  But by then 
it was way too late to restart high school at the 9th grade & my parents 
certainly didn't have the where-with-all to even think about financing a 
degree effort.

Those who aren't interested in my health records can hit the plus key for 
the next message now.

Penn has tried to kill me a couple times since, but didn't quite succeed.  
One Doctor, who ignored the notes on my chart, did live to regret that 
little detail once my broken rib had healed, one that was broken by my 
wife's literally beating on my chest to keep me going when I went into 
fibrillation.  It worked, I came to with a broken rib though.  Yes, that 
was Annie, and I still miss that girl.

That was a case of not only getting mad because that idiot tried to kill 
me, I also got even.  Already tired of being sued for malpractice, I think 
he had 3 suits pending at the time, I dared him to call the law.  He, nor 
his receptionist ever reached for the phone.  He did redecorate the office 
after I was done, but the AMA eventually said enough was enough & he 
'disappeared'.  The medical profession was better off.  And the exercise 
did me good. I got back in the car with a VBG, and kissed the wife well 
enough she knew she had been kissed. ;)

The milk allergy eventually went away, to be replaced by turkey, then pork, 
then chicken for a few years each, and I have been off chicken again now 
for about 3 years.

I have since had a run in with the ER doctors at the local horsepistol, 
over sloppy note keeping, they tried to kill Dee by giving her some beta-
penn after her breaking out in the by now familiar rash they had to give 
her something for (steroids maybe, dunno) that should have resulted in big 
red NO PENN marks at the top of every page of her records, but to get it 
there after the 2nd session in a year, I had to get their attention, in 
this case by laying my billfold on the counter and inviting them to take 
note of the CWP it was opened to show, and advised them that they were 
dealing with an asshole who would use it the next time they gave her any 
penn by any name.  The red magic marker came out and the chart was marked.
No more problem.

Yeah, I can be one of 'those types' occasionally.  I'm not proud of it, but 
what else can you do to 'get' their attention. :(  I expect there are some 
on any mailing list who can tell similar stories.  You don't get to be my 
age without a 'war' story or 3 to tell. :)

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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