On 23.03.12 08:53, Michael Haberler wrote:
> As for introspection on state at the gcode level, see
> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/gcode/overview.html#_predefined_named_parameters_a_id_sec_predefined_named_parameters_a

Many thanks for that link, Michael. And I thought that:


was the definitive reference on the subject. There are more hidden gems
in the LinuxCNC documentation warren than any single human knows about,
I suspect. 

I'll update the code generation to exploit those predefined named
parameters which you've revealed. Although it'll only save a gcode
assignment at each G90/G91, it'll be more canonical in its machine state

> If that doesnt suffice, go to the embedded Python level which has
> practically all of the interpreter state exposed, and then some
> (task).
> See tests/remap/introspect/oword.py for state access.

Seeing there, things like:

self.params["a_new_local"] = 321.0

I'm tempted to guess (based on zero prior exposure to python), that
that's probably a hash.¹ Having that available in bison would have made
the symbol table much easier to implement. ;-)

> Exporting state from Python is left as an exercise for the reader;)

Since the translator could be run as a filter or off-line, tests need to
be executed in gcode, so that they're real-time. I don't know of a
method to run in-line python in gcode, and have yet to see a need for
it, anyway. The predefined named parameters you've shared do it for me,

My belief that LinuxCNC was limited was largely based on a post from:

Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 13:27:12 +0200
if (SpindleMode=CSS) uimessage "some relevant message"
That can't be converted to generic G-code because generic G-code is
bad at strings and has no mode introspection.

and the absence of any contrary thoughts on the list in the last several
years. But it turns out that even #<_spindle_css_mode> is available.

Thanks again for finding the treasure.


¹ Or "associative array" to awk fans.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first
time.                                                    - T.S. Elliot

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