The pins are not contiguous with their numbers, and are described in the 5i25
manual <> page 9 and 10.
Stepgen_maxaccel must be 20% higher than Max_accel.
pncconf in beta 2.6.0 did not give me a correct setup, probably related to
max accel and stepgen maxaccel out of sync.
pncconf confused me, as the pins and numbers didn't seem to line up.
All pins not used by the enabled modules are available for io.

PNCconf has set the stepgen maxacceleration 25% higher for a very quite some 
How long ago did you pull beta 2.6.0?
The numbering system should be by component number rather then connector pin 
You would need to look in the manual to convert component to connector number.

The numbering/tab system is on my todo list to check and hopefully improve.
The 5i25/sserial cards do pin names/numbering quite different from previous 
so I am trying to adjust PNCconf to accommodate.

I'm sorry the experience was not helpful.

Chris M
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