On Monday, April 16, 2012 11:52:54 AM Peter Homann did opine:

> Hi Gene,
> I wasn't pushing you to buy my breakout board. I'd assume you would have
> bought a C10 from CNC4PC. It's a plain signal buffered board. Not as
> good as mine of course. :)

Naturally.  ;-)

> As to the DC-03, I had a bit of a rush last week, so am putting another
> run through the pick and place machine this week.

Probably the DC05 combo, as it will be driving the board in a 7x12.
> As to shipping overseas tell me about it.
> I used to ship by airmail, costing about $16.00 - $17.00 to the USA.
> Then I had a few rip me off claiming to Paypal that they didn't receive
> it.
> The final straw was when a guy purchased something then after 12 days
> (parcels take 10-14 days to get to the USA) a got notification of a
> Paypal dispute.
> I emailed him, both directly and through Paypal 7 or 8 times over  the 4
> week claim period to try and confirm the delivery address, etc. He
> never responded to any email. So Paypal refunded the money as I
> couldn't prove it was sent and there was no tracking number.
> So I updated the order in my database which automatically sends a copy
> to him. Within 30 seconds I got a response from him as he didn't like
> how I updated my database.

Chuckle.  I think you were being kind considering.

> ========================================================================
> ========== That's really professional. I didn't receive my merchandise.
> You failed to uphold your end of the transaction by failing to provide
> an online method for tracking the delivery of the purchase. Check the
> PayPal user agreement...
And just how does one go about tracking an order that is going half way 
around this ball of wet rock?  The Chinese try, but there is still a huge 
area of limbo that usually involves their choice of ocean going shippers.
So when I bought what I hope is a better set of drivers, I bought through 
fleabay where I might stand a small chance of fixing a bad vendor. 
> On Oct 9, 2010, at 5:53 PM, "homanndesigns.com" <support2009 at
> homanndesigns.com  Change at to @> wrote:
>  > Dear xxxxxxx xxxxxx,
>  > 
>  > Here is an update on your order #8416.
>  > 
>  > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>  > =-
>  > Detailed Invoice:
> http://homanndesigns.com/store/index.php?main_page=account_history_info&;
> order_id=8416
>  > Date Ordered: Friday 20 August, 2010
>  > 
>  > Comments concerning your order:
>  > 
>  > The customer scammed the order by using the Paypal dispute system.
>  > 
>  > Do not accept orders from this customer.
>  > 
>  > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>  > =-
>  > 
>  > If you have any questions, please contact our customer service
>  > department at serv...@yourstore.com.
>  > 
>  > Sincerely,
>  > 
>  > homanndesigns.com
>  > 
>  > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>  > =-
> ========================================================================
> ========
> The thing that these Bozos don't understand is that after you've
> processed the first thousand orders, a scammer like this stands out
> like a beacon.

> So now I only send by registered airmail or Express Post International
> as they are trackable but this adds to the cost.
> And now there is a $9.00 surcharge levied as the USA requires every
> parcel over 1Kg to be X-rayed. Someone is making some serious money
> from this junket.

Which can be done on a conveyor belt for $0.05 a package.  They do it to 
your pocket contents at the airport, using the economy of mass inspection.

And is not, IMO, enhancing either country's safety.  What they are really 
doing I suspect is looking for bricks of dope.  IMO it should be legalized, 
but subject to a $50k bounty paid for every pusher blown away caught 
selling your 14 year old a 'starter' sample.  We'd lose that sales channel 
right away, and at far less cost.  All this 'interdiction' does is put law 
enforcement into the drug dealing business on the side.  I know of one 
instance 30 years ago in Northern CA, where they cuffed 4 guys & collected 
734 lbs of coke they had just cooked up, the DEA set bail so they'd run 
like hell, & when they grabbed the 2 locals again at a drunk check 2 years 
later, they had to let them go because the evidence room was empty.  Draw 
your own conclusions as to where it went.  Right out on the streets like a 
bad case of diarrhea.  Some was used 'internally' of course.
> So in the end, my international sales suffer as the price too the door
> is uncompetitive. A DC-03 DigiSpeed is $38.00 and costs about $25.00 to
> ship to the USA, so it's hard to compete in the Global market place. :)
> 1:40am time for sleeep.

Sleep well Peter.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: <http://coyoteden.dyndns-free.com:85/gene>
This MUST be a good party -- My RIB CAGE is being painfully pressed up
against someone's MARTINI!!

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