On Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:23:50 -0700
Claude Zervas <cla...@utlco.com> wrote:

> I just tried to order the new beaglebone from Newark and they've
> already ran out of stock... shoot.

I called & they are getting 40,000 on May 13, so I ordered one. I
should have it in time for Wichita in June :)


P.S. I'm hedging my Raspberry Pi bet. I still like the Pi+FPGA approach
because of the higher performance possibilities, likely ease of
Mesa product integration, and the fact that they've made over a million
RPi boards. Beagle Boards/Bones have always had those "nice if you can
get one" and "it's OK if you want one, but don't count on being able to
get large quantities at the dev board price" issues. We'll see what
we'll see...

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