On 4/22/2013 1:07 PM, Matt Shaver wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:23:50 -0700
> Claude Zervas <cla...@utlco.com> wrote:
>> I just tried to order the new beaglebone from Newark and they've
>> already ran out of stock... shoot.
> I called & they are getting 40,000 on May 13, so I ordered one. I
> should have it in time for Wichita in June :)

Yeah, in the time it took me this morning to go from email message to 
website order form they pushed the delivery time out to May for me too. 
It's a rerun of the Seinfeld car-rental episode: they know how to take a 
reservation; they just don't know how to keep a reservation.

In fairness to Newark, I looked backwards in time and see I registered 
an expression of interest, not a reservation. Sigh.

> Thanks,
> Matt
> P.S. I'm hedging my Raspberry Pi bet. I still like the Pi+FPGA approach
> because of the higher performance possibilities, likely ease of
> Mesa product integration, and the fact that they've made over a million
> RPi boards. Beagle Boards/Bones have always had those "nice if you can
> get one" and "it's OK if you want one, but don't count on being able to
> get large quantities at the dev board price" issues. We'll see what
> we'll see...

Either the end product works well or it doesn't. So far, both boards 
show promise in different ways but neither is to die for. I'd like to 
see both work out in the end. In diversity there is strength.

I understand the twinge of anxiety caused by the "development board" 
status of all the Beagle boards but even if we replaced the controller 
on every LinuxCNC machine in existence and doubled that for good measure 
I doubt we'd need significantly more than 10000 boards. Compare that to 
the 40000 boards coming to Newark in May alone.


PS - did you really say "wire wrap"? Oh my aching back! Don't get me 
started on war stories regarding my minicomputer days, lying on my back 
in the cabinet with a wire wrap tool in one hand, a flashlight in the 
other, and red-lined bedsheet drawings on the floor next to my head.

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