2013/4/21 Michael Haberler

> > Sure, this is one point. And another point is low latency
> yes
> > (you say 200kHz
> > step rate)
> yes, but that has nothing to do with each other in case of the PRU:
> latency is the jitter introduced by the host operating system - xenomai in
> that case
> the step rate is determined by the clock frequency of the PRU (200Mhz) and
> the code path execution time between 'stepgen cycles' _in the PRU_; the PRU
> stepper jitter is likely negligible because the PRU lacks a cache or other
> bells and whistles like virtual memory which make timing less
> deterministic. The techref manual actually says 'Cache: none
> (intentionally)' meaning: low jitter was more important than more MIPS
> during design.
> conceptually that is exactly the same as say a Mesanet card clock and its
> jitter (not relevant) has anything to do with Linux thread jitter (relevant)
> > could help increase servo frequency to say 10KHz.
> You can try, but these are unrelated concepts.

What will be limiting here is the code path execution time of all the
> components executed in a servo cycle.

That's exactly what I meant. A lot of calculations for CPU during a servo
cycle: trajectory, kinematics, PID etc. But I did not figure out that it
also has PRU so it's just like PC and MESA card on one board. And I thought
that ARM Linux jitter is negligible, but it's proved not. Negligible is
RPU's jitter.

> Or ARM CPU is
> > not enough for that servo frequency? Though, 4-core 2GHz ARMs already
> > released...
> This could help with floating point 'umph', but not necessarily with Linux
> thread jitter.

Absolutely. Could rather make it worse with powersaving features.

> >> Again, how do you estimate max servo frequency for ARM platform,
> precisely
> > BeagleBone? And what if some weird kinematics like Stewart platform
> should
> > be computed?
> As above: go measure, everthing else is sorta-kinda and conjecture. It's
> all there - set it up, read the halcmd manual, take timings, make sense of
> them. Then you'll know if the platform is good enough for the purpose or
> not.
> That in fact could be determined without actually driving any hardware
> with a sim-like config; that wont give you timings for the hardware I/O
> times but I'm fairly sure those dont break the camel's back. Motion, Pid
> maybe; a high-rate base thread causes overhead; eg when using software
> encoders.
> I'll definitely try that when I get hold of the board and install LinuxCNC.

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