Hello group;

An old friend contacted me recently about problems he has been having with his 
hobby mill. I say hobby because the man is a top notch surgeon who does mainly 
reconstruction of destroyed hands.

His hobby mill looks to be a late 70's vintage CNC knee mill with a 2 or 3 hp 
Universal 300 qwik switch spindle. The control CRT is long gone and a B&W 7 
inch hand held TV is strapped in place using composite RCA video.  I'm guessing 
a Z80A cpu.  The Mill has Baldor servos as follows; 
Model        M-4060-FL-43
Mfg Code     16/190 81633
Max Current    25A
Torque Stall    350 oz inch
Max Speed    2500 RPM
Max Volt        120 VDC

Baldor servo amps Model  UM3012-100  Part #  990122C-00. These are +/- 10V 
analog with tach velocity feedback.

I measure 100VDC at the power supply capacitor.

This machine came as a 4 axis but he claims the 4th unit was a basket case when 
he received it and he just kept the extra amp mounted as a spare. Recently the 
Y axis had problems so he moved the wiring from that amp to the A axis amp, Now 
the X is giving him fits and he is blaming the amps but I think the control may 
be failing. While I was there he set the home offset, and about 15 minutes 
later that value was missing for X.

What he would like to do is replace the amps and control, re-using servos and 
existing limit switch wiring and power supplies.

I looked at Copley and I didn't see anything that looked close.  AMC looks like 
a good contender with the 25A20I. Any others I should look at? I would like to 
use that tach feedback if possible as this machine may have rather low count 
encoders and I don't want to touch them at all.

I will likely use one of the 5i25 combo's for I/O. I am considering showing him 
"touchy" but I have not used it myself as yet so it will be alot more extra 
homework for me.

I also want to try and use the baldor amps at first to prove out limits, homing 
etc. I get the feeling that his amps are far out of tune due to him meddling 
with all the trims pots.

I will need lots of help with guessing accelspecs and other initial settings, I 
will likely be very well versed in some areas of using HAL to get things 

Worse yet - it looks like MY mill may have just given up the ghost also, so 
that machine may be inline for a refit too.

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