On 3/11/2014 11:26 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 March 2014 13:25:43 John Kasunich did opine:
>> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.png
> Chuckle.  But how old is that?  we must have at least 20 by now.

A perfect example is the USB "standard". It began with exactly two and 
only two types of connector, A for hosts and B for devices.

Then came Mini B and for some reason early digital cameras all had to 
have various odd USB connectors, often including A/V out. In 2007 Micro 
B was introduced and it took stores nearly two years to realize it 
existed and stock cables with that connector.

There's also a few versions of powered USB which are double stacked 
connectors having one part of the ports and plugs just for extra power.

Now there's USB 3.0. The designers of it had an uncommon fit of sanity 
and made both ends of the standard backwards sympatico with ye olde full 
size original Type A USB for the host and Micro B for the device. The 
USB 3.0 device end looks funkyweird but just plug a 2.0 cord into one 
end of the 3.0 socket. But wait! USB 3.0 gets even more sanity! A USB 
3.0 host plug will fit into a USB 1.1/2.0 Type A port and the device 
will operate at the lower speed.

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