On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Dave Cole <linuxcncro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > Speaking of feedbag time, completely un-LinuCNC and un-machine related,
> > spent yesterday smoking a Boston Pork Butt.  First time I ever did one of
> > those.  O. M. G.  Is it tasty...
> >
> > Mark
> Gee Mark...
> Thanks a lot.....
> I was doing ok before, but now I am hungry and thinking about my rib
> roasting techniques.  I think I need to practice again.
> Smoking them would be even better..  :-)
> Dave

Sorry Dave.  ;-)

Smoked a full rack of ribs a coupla weekends ago.  They were mighty tasty
too.  ;-)

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