On 19 Aug 2014, at 01:14, Gregg Eshelman wrote:

> On 8/18/2014 11:46 AM, Todd Zuercher wrote:
>> I've had a problem proposed to me. Any ideas or suggestions?
>> A series of randomly sized wooden pieces (uniform thickness) placed randomly 
>> on a slow conveyor. Each piece has 1 to 4 small pockets milled in them. I 
>> would like to automate a method of blowing out the dust left from milling 
>> the pockets. How hard would it be to detect the location of these pockets, 
>> position an air nozzle over the pocket and clean them with a short air blast 
>> as they are carried down the conveyor.
> Here's one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9oeOYMRvuQ

In the summer of 1970 I had a job in a local bakery factory. On a Saturday 
morning we had to bake pancakes, scones and soda scones on a very long hot 
plate. It was a bit like the video only the operator had to run up and down 
beside the plate and manipulate the baking items as fast as the video shows the 
robot doing the job. In fact, if we went a bit faster we could add a few extra 
scones onto the line. At the end of a very hard shift, we sat and ate the extra 
items. Very fine indeed.
I wouldn't have liked to do this as a job for all my working life, but I did 
that, and other jobs like it, for 3 months, and it was great fun. I make 2.5 
million bread rolls that summer without any automation. Good for the hand-eye 
co-ordination. Not bad wages either. A few years later, the factory was bought 
over and gutted, then the automatic machines were brought in for making bread 
and cakes. Not much scope for adding extras, though.


> And another one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8unkXTtfEBQ
> Can't beat an inverted delta or quad arm for speed. Simple linkages, 
> directly connected to the three or four motor shafts so there's no 
> gears, belts or screws to wear.
> Should be possible to do it with open source software (Open CV for the 
> video in) and kinematics to operate this kind of robot in a 2D plane 
> like a 2 axis gantry.
> Add a vacuum attachment with rotation capability and it could organize 
> the parts as it cleans them.
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