On Mon, 2014-08-18 at 13:46 -0400, Todd Zuercher wrote:
> I've had a problem proposed to me. Any ideas or suggestions? 
> A series of randomly sized wooden pieces (uniform thickness) placed randomly 
> on a slow conveyor. Each piece has 1 to 4 small pockets milled in them. I 
> would like to automate a method of blowing out the dust left from milling the 
> pockets. How hard would it be to detect the location of these pockets, 
> position an air nozzle over the pocket and clean them with a short air blast 
> as they are carried down the conveyor. 

A different approach..... run the blocks off the conveyor into a drum ,
eg. like a tumbler/polisher and then use decent velocity air thru the
drum to move the dust. Turbulence can do a lot to remove particles. 


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