Pete ,
have you conneced spindle-enable ? this should stop the problem
i use a second relay in the common line of the direction relay

theirs not so much information on turrets , although it can be done using
classicladder , i find is easier to use a component and have linuxcnc know
what tool is current via the feedback from the proximity switches ..

see the components for the emco and triac toolchangers in the wiki , they
can easily be changed to suit your particular type

see Jt's page for using a turret as per his hcnc conversion .

to reverse homing use negative numbers in the homing section of the ini
but beware it can get confusing if you change the major direction , so make
sure the
dro's count in the correct direction first

On 17 September 2014 13:59, <> wrote:

> I have a Harrison T280 lathe I am retrofitting to LinuxCNC. This is a
> stepper driven machine, the original controls were previously retrofitted
> with MicroKinetics stuff and I'm re-retrofitting with LinuxCNC and Mesa
> 5i25 / 7i76 while keeping the MK stepper drives.
> I did a clean install of 2.6.3 from a USB drive image. I'm new to LinuxCNC
> and PnCConf and while I'm making progress getting things going I'm running
> into a few issues I haven't yet found answers to in the docs I've found so
> far.
> Issues so far:
> 1. The biggest issue currently - After some fiddling I have the Hitachi
> VFD controlled spindle operating in the PnCConf open loop test where I am
> able to run it forward and reverse at various speeds. I have the spindle
> encoder connected (A and Index only, not sure on CPR currently) and in
> HALscope I can see the A pulses and index pulse. I haven't been able to get
> the spindle to operate in LinuxCNC however no matter what I've tried.
> Another issue I have found is that when running in reverse and stopping,
> LinuxCNC drops the direction line before the VFD has completed the decel
> ramp, causing the VFD to slam the lathe into forward for the duration of
> the decel, obviously not a desirable thing.
> 2. I've got the axis homing working in the direction it seems to want to
> run, i.e. in the negative direction, however this seems like a bad idea on
> a lathe to me. If I have a part in the spindle and need to re-home for some
> reason, something not unexpected on a stepper machine, homing in the
> negative direction will crash the toolpost into my part. It would seem
> better to home in the positive direction and "zero" to the max travel of
> the axis. I haven't figured out how to do this.
> 3. The lathe has an 8 position unidirectional stepper driven tool turret
> with a home switch. I currently have the stepper drive wired to stepgen 2
> (0=Z, 1=X). I was able to configure an A axis so I can manually move the
> torret, but I've not found any docs so far that give me much of a starting
> point to figure out how to configure the tool turret properly for automatic
> changes.
> Thanks,
>         Pete C.
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