I did check the "single channel" box in the spindle setup in PnCConf, and I see 
it did set the counter mode to 1. Even if it did try to do closed loop, I would 
expect it to at least start the spindle and then fail, rather than not moving 
at all. Even in the open loop test it will not run if the encoder is setup, but 
without the encoder setup it runs fine.

On the instant reverse issue I am wondering if instead of using the fully 
isolated enable and direction outputs provided by the 7i76 if I would be better 
off setting up for fwd/rev control and using two of the general field outputs 
(I have plenty free) which should still be fine since the VFD is isolated 
itself and it's inputs are optos.

------Original Mail------
From: "andy pugh" <>
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <>
Sent: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:01:54 +0100
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] New to LinuxCNC and PnCConf and need some help...

On 17 September 2014 21:40,  <> wrote:
> I still have the spindle issue, no matter what I do I have not been able to 
> get any spindle operation in LinuxCNC. If I don't have the spindle encoder 
> configured I am able to control it in the PnCConf open loop test and 
> everything works fine except for the issue with dir dropping before the decel 
> is complete. If I try to configure the spindle encoder I am unable to get 
> spindle operation in the PnCConf open loop test either.

I wonder if PNCconf is attempting to set up a closed-loop setup which
fails due to lack of a B-channel?
Can you put the HAL file that pncconf is creating for you up on ?

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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