I've heard that complaint also but how could this be different?

LinuxCNC is open source software that anyone can modify if they have the 

There are some very skilled programmers who volunteer their time to make 
improvements to LinuxCNC and I really appreciate their efforts.  :-)

How can I expect them to not only volunteer their time to improve the 
software but also write software to include functions that they disagree 

I wouldn't do that!   After all, the general goal is to move the 
software forward.

I've always received a LOT of assistance whenever I have asked questions 
about how to make changes via hal or whatever.

 >>If this were a commercial product some marketing person would write a 
product requirement, the programmers would make it happen and the 
industrial users would be pleased.<<

Not necessarily.     Say that some user convinces the US Fanuc marketing 
guys that a product change would be good for this particular customer;  
Do you think that Fanuc is going to immediately include that feature?    
No way.


On 10/4/2014 2:53 PM, Ron Ginger wrote:
> One of the complaints often heard about LinuxCNC is that it is
> controlled by a small group of programmers and the only things they add
> are things they like/want. They make the holy pronouncement that "if you
> like you can always do it yourself and we will consider it for
> inclusion". So even if a person has the ability to do the code it may or
> may not be included. The reality is that it is very difficult for a
> person not a trained software engineer to do the modifications to
> something as complex as LinuxCNC.
> Who represents the view that a feature is common in industrial controls,
> so it ought to be in linuxCNC, even if the now very old NIST effort to
> create a standard did not include it? If this were a commercial product
> some marketing person would write a product requirement, the programmers
> would make it happen and the industrial users would be pleased.
> ron ginger
> On 10/4/2014 1:47 PM, emc-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
>> Some programmers have strong negative feelings about the GOTO instruction.
>> Some really horrendous code has been written with the help of the GOTO 
>> instruction.
>> Extensive use of the GOTO instruction is generally associated with bad 
>> programming practices.
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