On 9/20/16 11:12 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
> On 09/20/2016 06:27 PM, hubert wrote:
>> Jon
>> I ordered some QSE159's to use as detectors and some ir leds for
>> generating turn on.  I have an FPGA board and some arduino's to try for
>> the control logic.  One question.  If an FPGA can be used for the
>> control logic, couldn't the FPGA on the Mesa card be programmed to
>> include this?
> Undoubtedly so.  But, I am a competitor to Mesa, and so tend
> to use my OWN gear!
I understand your preference.  The Mesa boards was the LinuxCNC Options 
Skyfire offered when I ordered my machine.  The FPGA development board I 
picked up to start my probe work has the Xilinx XC6SLX9 TQG144 FPGA.
> I have a board with a Spartan XC3S50AN, a small FPGA with
> built-in config EPROM that I usually sell as a converter for
> Fanuc serial encoders.  It had just the right complement of
> input and output converters.
> If you know FPGA programming, then dive right in.  That's an
> art not too many CNC guys are up to speed on.
I won't claim I was ever an expert, and I am certainly cold on the 
subject.  I haven't fired up a development kit since I retired from 
teaching Computer Engineering in 2008,  but we used the Xilinx Spartan 
and Vertex families for introducing our Students to embedded computing.
>>     I do think initially this should be done separately until
>> everything is well understood, but it just doesn't appear that should be
>> very complicated in FPGA terms.
> No, the trouble with the Blum probe was figuring out exactly
> what it wanted for turn-on and turn-off.
> I was flying fairly blind, and just increased and decreased
> pulse width, pulse frequency and burst length until I got a
> reliable turn-on/off.  I started with a pulse generator, and
> when I had come up with boundaries on all these, I set the
> FPGA for the middle of those ranges.
It will be a while before I will start getting results.  I need to pick 
up the Mill and then find a way to get it into my shop.  The shop is a 
converted bedroom with only a 36" door opening out on a backyard Patio.  
With luck we will get it wired in this weekend, with probeand parts 
should arriving Early Next week.
> Once the probe was turned on, figuring out the output data
> pattern was completely trivial.
> Jon
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