On Tuesday 08 November 2016 11:46:38 Chris Albertson wrote:

> I think you've got it.  If the supply is lower spec than 2.5 A at 5.1
> V then I'd upgrade the power supply.     Add more current to the
> supply if your USB devices are USB bus powered
> The power supplies that people try to use are not "bad".  it is just
> that most are designed to charge a cell phone battery, not power a
> computer
> I use either the Pi with very little plugged into it or for bench
> setups an old PC supply that is over 20A for the 5V
> But I think the root of Gene's problems is he is attempting to learn
> everything all at once.


> Better to use the Pi for a while, learn how 
> to best use it for simple things, use the Mesa board and then later
> integrate parts you are very foamier with.

Atm, its running beautifully on the G0704's tv screen monitor.  As a 
mill. So we make the vfd behave since it and the motor are currently on 
the same table and handy, THEN make the mill config into a lathe config, 
hook the 2 stepper drivers to steppe.0 and stepper.1, then take the box 
to the lathe & get it hung.  But to do that, I'll need to cut up and 
make the overhead frame, out of 1.5" square tubing, that will hold the 
box, monitor and a 4 foot led shop lamp, as high as I can get it and the 
garage door still clears to open.  So I'm returning to my JOAT days 
here. :)

Please bear with me. But now my hair is dry from taking a much needed 
shower, and round up the missus and go vote.  That will likely involve 
breakfast at Kathy's before I can get back to this.  Who knows, maybe 
the orange-pi 3 will be in the mailbox when we get back, it is going to 
do the x rendering in this contraption. (I hope)

> Even little things like how to do a backup of an embedded computer.

I did get a backup of sorts last night with amanda, but obviously I'll 
need to fine tune that. But here's the relevant lines from that log:
  /-- raspberrypi.coyote.den / lev 0 STRANGE
  sendbackup: start [raspberrypi.coyote.den:/ level 0]
  sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
  sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gzip -dc |/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
  sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
  sendbackup: info end
  ? /bin/tar: ./boot: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
  ? /bin/tar: ./dev: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
  ? /bin/tar: ./proc: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
  ? /bin/tar: ./sys: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
  | Total bytes written: 5722931200 (5.4GiB, 2.1MiB/s)
  sendbackup: size 5588800
  sendbackup: end

raspber /                           0    5458    3388  62.1 44:12  1308.1  
0:29 119615.1
raspber /boot                       0      27      19  72.0  0:11  1771.1  
0:00 196260.0
the first 0 is backup level=a full, the next 2 are data in megabytes, and 
data in megabytes after compression by gzip. I can squash those errors 
shown with an excludes file but I'll have to invent 2 more profiles, 
each referencing its own excludes file. AH&E work at the keyboard. :)
But, its getting to the virtual tapes, which is what counts.

> Try doing a few restores from the backup.  You find it works different
> from a larger desktop PC then a embedded device.   Need time to test
> and measure network performance and so on also on. ..THEN put it all
> togther

Or put it all together and then make it work... :)

> On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 1:35 AM, W. Martinjak <mats...@play-pla.net> 
> > Gene,
> >
> > the symptoms point to a power supply problem.
> > It's the "famous" brown out problem, due to bad designed power
> > supplies. Sometimes it's the cable of the supply with excessive
> > voltage drop. Yes this is unfortunatly the price of getting cheaper
> > and cheaper.... And I assume, that the hdmi connection pulls more
> > amps then expected because the hdmi2dvi conversion. I had similar
> > effects with a bad hdmi cable.
> > One further negative impact of this brownouts is a degenerating
> > filesystem.
> >
> > A 1st discharge is a active usb hub for the keyboard,
> > and should this not be sufficient then use a better/stronger power
> > supply.
> >
> > Matsche
> >
> > On 2016-11-07 02:21, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >> On Sunday 06 November 2016 16:28:38 Chris Albertson wrote:
> >>> Don't under estimate the power of simply exporting X11.   As an
> >>> example a very small amount of data goes over the network that
> >>> might say "move that window 75 pixels to the left" and then the
> >>> x-server has to change the value of 350,000 pixels and maybe
> >>> remember the values of the ones covered restore the values of the
> >>> ones uncovered.  It is MUCH better then sending raster graphics
> >>> over the net.   It also moves calculations of about clipping and
> >>> renders vector graphics to rater all onto the server  If using
> >>> openGL al lot of complex matrix math can be pushed off to the
> >>> computer with the physical display.
> >>
> >> Well, after today I am ready to rip it back out and go back to an
> >> x86 based system.
> >>
> >> 1. much more so on its own console, but occasionally from here, the
> >> keyboard either goes dead for some random amount of time, which I
> >> think might be related to mouse pointer position AND somewhere its
> >> set for focus follows mouse. Its better from this keyboard than any
> >> keyboard attached to it because I don't think the mouse pointer
> >> position counts.
> >>
> >> 2. after setting a root pw so synaptic might work, things are so
> >> screwed I'm tired of beating my head and back up over it.
> >>
> >> 3. After trying a 2nd brand new keyboard and mouse and getting the
> >> same results, much worse with x installed, I am convinced that the
> >> armhf version of xkb is one busted piece of S---. I just spent much
> >> of an hour trying to add 9 lines to the halfile to enable 3 outputs
> >> to control the vfd, and failed.
> >>
> >> At the moment I cannot login from here because I was dumb enough to
> >> tell raspi-config to wait for a login before starting the network. 
> >> And because of the poor keyboard response, its impossible to type
> >> my user pw because it will either skip characters, or go wild
> >> because it missed a key-up event, and despite setting the repeat
> >> for slow and slower, it will go off and put 50 characters of the
> >> last key pressed into whatever I an editing before I can react and
> >> tap a different key. Continueing at 50 chars a second until I hit
> >> another key.  Then if I try to backspace over the extra characters,
> >> like as not the backspace key will hang and erase not only what I
> >> was typing, but 4 or 5 lines of a hal file that was already there.
> >>
> >> Anyway, its essentially bricked now until the sd card is re-imaged.
> >>  And I had just added it to amanda's nightly backup duties early
> >> this morning, so the backup is no good either since the first one
> >> won't be, no network.
> >>
> >> I might be able to work around it IF the term was terminal-4.8, but
> >> its not. I've tried every terminal in the menu's, and none of them
> >> are big enough to be usefull as a default, and none have a resize
> >> drag border or corner, I tried all 3.  Postcard sized doesn't cut
> >> it.
> >> So, one question, will the udoo service the 7i90HD over an SPI
> >> connection?  If it will, I might blow another $150 trying it.  The
> >> extra 60 is like doing an engine swap, where 50 years ago it was a
> >> given that you bring the engine, and the adapter kit, the torch
> >> with full bottles, and $500 (in 1955 money) for the other stuff it
> >> takes to make it all work. BTDT, several times.
> >>
> >>> About the cable.  Just don't worry about oil.  oil does not
> >>> conduct.
> >>
> >> I know that, but I have had hand lotion destroy microphone cables.
> >> Litterally dissolveing the usual grey vinyl jacket in 6 months of
> >> news talent putting on the news at WDTV.
> >>
> >>> Remember many larger size transformers live in an oil bath. 
> >>> Flooding them with oil keeps the water out.
> >>
> >> I know that too haveing soaked my arms in the askarol or whatever
> >> pcb was in them, repairing burned up connections 18" under the
> >> oil's surface, once in a 250 kw rated box, probably north of 10,000
> >> lbs. 3 times in my broadcasting career.  You shower daily, and you
> >> still stink for about a month afterwards. I started my youngest
> >> while I still had some of the smell on me. Getting him, born deaf
> >> and on predigested formula for the 1st 5 years, up to his teen
> >> years took quite an effort. Now at about 40, he eats what he wants,
> >> and much to the surprise of the docs at the Mayo Clinic, he now
> >> hears at least as well as I do. I will always connect the dots on
> >> him getting started, and me being contaminated with that crap.
> >>
> >>> It is only the wire insolation
> >>> might care or not about oil.
> >>
> >> This wire is stranded, so no varnish. Lose the vinyl and its toast.
> >>
> >> So I'll not putz with this, but work on the hardware until the
> >> orangepi gets here. I'll redo the u-sd without x, and see if I can
> >> ship the x stuff to the Orange-Pi-3 for rendering.
> >>
> >> At that point I'll need a fresh recipe for building the u-sd
> >> card(s), I still have 2 virgin 32GB cards in the blisterpack.
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> Thanks Chris.
> >>
> >> Cheers, Gene Heskett
> >
> > --
> > "In der Wissenschaft siegt nie eine neue Theorie,
> > nur ihre Gegner sterben nach und nach"
> >
> > Max Planck
> >
> >
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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