On Wednesday 01 March 2017 23:47:59 Kurt Jacobson wrote:

> > What sort of bearings if any does the shaft spin in?
> Gene, I don't want to remove the encoder disk as it has to be
> positioned just right, but I can just see through the encode slots
> what looks to be the outer race and metal shield of a small ball
> bearing that the shaft runs in. Pretty impressive build quality for
> the cost even if it did come from china!
> What sort of an inspection tool with a radioactive sign on it were we
> looking
> > at, along with its scintilator pulse outputs on the scope?
> I did not mean to include those pictures. It is an alpha particle
> detector I am building. Don't know if you can see them but there are
> some 1.75 thou tungsten wires stretched over the copper plate. The
> wires are held at about +5kV and the copper is grounded resulting in a
> high E field. When an alpha particle enters the field it is
> accelerated and ionizes some air resulting in a spark. I use your
> favorite device (Raspberry Pi) to count and log the sparks per sec,
> and from that I can get the alpha flux. I just got a 500uCi Po210
> source (it's a static eliminator so exempt!!!) this morning and was
> trying to determine the upper count rate of the Pi. Before I just had
> a 1uCi Am241 source form a smoke detector. That Po210 source is hot!
> but it has a half life of only 138 days vs 432 years for the Am so I
> better play with it while it's still going strong.
> Hope that satisfies your curiosity.
> Kurt

Sure does Kurt, thanks. I didn't know alpha detectors could work at 
ambient atmo pressure, so I learned something too.  Now if I can 
remember it in the morning... :(

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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