On Sunday 25 June 2017 22:13:04 Tom Easterday wrote:

> Gene,
> Thanks for the response.  The machine has been running great for years
> on those values but in position mode, not in velocity mode.  I
> wouldn't think that any of the step-gen parameters would need to
> change when changing to velocity mode...?

I wouldn't either if its been running that way, but they are, shall we 
say, settings that can push the envelope.

My motor drivers are generally in the 2M542 category, with a DM860 (junk, 
the microstep size mapping sucks) thrown in, and none of my steplengths 
are under 2000, with dir controls averaging twice that.  The opto's in 
these drivers preclude more than a 200-250 kilohertz drive with the 
motor laying loose on the table.  At a microstep divisor of 8, thats a 
leasurely 2000 rpm or so, with very little usable torque at those 
speeds. At the higher rotational speeds, the microstepping effect gets 
lost as the motors inductance becomes the current controlling factor. 
The driver can only do what its has the available voltage to do.

> I suspect the PID parameters I am using, DEADBAND?, MAX_OUTPUT? (not
> sure what these should be) or perhaps I have mis-wired, or not wired,
> an encoder or velocity parameter in the Hal config....

Deadband we have been told, if its used in a stepper setup with encoders, 
must be greater than one step, else it will hunt. For servo's, I'd 
assume a deadband greater than the encoder resolution. I don't believe 
I'm using a non-zero value anyplace as my only encoders are for spindle 
control.  Rigid tapping, threading etc.

MAX_OUTPUT I normally use non-zero in pwm/pdm servo setups, to limit the 
PWM/PDM output duty cycle to around 98% as the driver needs the pulses 
for driver gate charging, and it it goes to a solid, 100% signal, the 
servo amp will shut itself off to protect the output transistors. I have 
2 of the pico pwm-servo drivers running nominally 1 hp motors. Works 
well on both TLM and the G0704.

The latter condition (missing hal connection) might be easier to see on a 
rockhopper report, but we don't have a viewer for those that will let 
you blow it up to a readable size, and then let you scan around on what 
would be if printed out and pasted up, nearly the size of a sheet of 
plywood. So I generally use the ctl-f (find) function of geany to check 
that sort of stuff.

Unless you've a bare barn door to tack them to, a printout is a bit hard 
to store in the average shop. :)

No clue if any of prattling on this helps but I hope so.

> -Tom
> > On Jun 25, 2017, at 9:11 PM, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> 
> >> On Sunday 25 June 2017 18:12:14 tom-...@bgp.nu wrote:
> >>
> >> I would like to attempt to get my machine with stepper motors
> >> running in velocity mode with feedback from the encoders.  Below
> >> are the relevant parts of my Hal and Ini files for just the X-Axis.
> >>  I figured I would do one axis at a time.  Currently nothing
> >> happens when I try to jog the X axis except if I hold it long
> >> enough it gives a following error.  If I try to home it, it faults
> >> with a following error.  I was trying to look various parameters on
> >> Halscope, triggering off of axis.0.f-error but nothing appears for
> >> any of the pins I was monitoring.   Are there any obvious errors in
> >> the config below to start with?
> >>
> >> -Tom
> >>
> >> ======================== HAL ========================
> >> loadrt trivkins
> >> loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD
> >> num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES loadrt hostmot2
> >> loadrt hm2_7i43  config="firmware=hm2/7i43/SVST2_4_7I47B.BIT
> >> num_encoders=3 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=4" loadrt pid
> >> names=pid.x,pid.y,pid.z
> >>
> >> addf hm2_7i43.0.read servo-thread
> >> addf motion-command-handler servo-thread
> >> addf motion-controller servo-thread
> >> addf pid.x.do-pid-calcs    servo-thread
> >> addf pid.y.do-pid-calcs    servo-thread
> >> addf pid.z.do-pid-calcs    servo-thread
> >> addf hm2_7i43.0.write         servo-thread
> >>
> >>
> >> #*******************
> >> #  AXIS X
> >> #*******************
> >> # axis enable chain
> >>
> >> setp    pid.x.Pgain    [AXIS_0]P
> >> setp    pid.x.Igain    [AXIS_0]I
> >> setp    pid.x.Dgain    [AXIS_0]D
> >> setp    pid.x.bias    [AXIS_0]BIAS
> >> setp    pid.x.FF0    [AXIS_0]FF0
> >> setp    pid.x.FF1    [AXIS_0]FF1
> >> setp    pid.x.FF2    [AXIS_0]FF2
> >> setp    pid.x.deadband    [AXIS_0]DEADBAND
> >> setp    pid.x.maxoutput    [AXIS_0]MAX_OUTPUT
> >>
> >> net x-index-enable <=> pid.x.index-enable
> >> net x-enable => pid.x.enable
> >> net x-ouput => pid.x.output
> >> net x-pos-cmd => pid.x.command
> >> net x-vel-fb => pid.x.feedback-deriv
> >> net x-pos-fb => pid.x.feedback
> >>
> >> # Step Gen signals/setup
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.dirsetup        [AXIS_0]DIRSETUP
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.dirhold         [AXIS_0]DIRHOLD
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.steplen         [AXIS_0]STEPLEN
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.stepspace       [AXIS_0]STEPSPACE
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.position-scale  [AXIS_0]SCALE
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.maxaccel       [AXIS_0]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.maxvel       [AXIS_0]STEPGEN_MAXVEL
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.step_type    0
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.control-type    1
> >>
> >> # --closed loop stepper signals--
> >> net x-pos-cmd axis.0.motor-pos-cmd
> >> net x-output => hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.velocity-cmd
> >> net x-enable axis.0.amp-enable-out => hm2_7i43.0.stepgen.00.enable
> >>
> >> # ---Encoder feedback signals/setup---
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.counter-mode 0
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.filter 1
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.index-invert 0
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.index-mask 0
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.index-mask-invert 0
> >> setp hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.scale  [AXIS_0]INPUT_SCALE
> >>
> >> net x-pos-fb <= hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.position
> >> net x-vel-fb <= hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.velocity
> >> net x-pos-fb => axis.0.motor-pos-fb
> >> net x-index-enable axis.0.index-enable <=>
> >> hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.index-enable net x-pos-rawcounts <=
> >> hm2_7i43.0.encoder.00.rawcounts
> >>
> >> # ---setup home / limit switch signals---
> >> net x-home-sw     =>  axis.0.home-sw-in
> >> net x-neg-limit     =>  axis.0.neg-lim-sw-in
> >> net x-pos-limit     =>  axis.0.pos-lim-sw-in
> >>
> >> ======================== end HAL ========================
> >>
> >> ======================== INI ========================
> >> [EMC]
> >> DEBUG = 0
> >>
> >> [DISPLAY]
> >> DISPLAY = axis
> >> EDITOR = gedit
> >> PYVCP = custom_pyvcp.xml
> >> MIN_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE = 0.500000
> >> INTRO_GRAPHIC = linuxcnc.gif
> >> INTRO_TIME = 2
> >> PROGRAM_PREFIX = /home/tom/linuxcnc/nc_files
> >> INCREMENTS = .1in .05in .01in .005in .001in .0005in .0001in
> >> MAX_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 1.000000
> >> MIN_LINEAR_VELOCITY = 0.010000
> >> MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 1.000000
> >> MIN_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 0.010000
> >> GEOMETRY = xyz
> >>
> >> [FILTER]
> >> PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .png,.gif,.jpg Greyscale Depth Image
> >> PROGRAM_EXTENSION = .py Python Script
> >> png = image-to-gcode
> >> gif = image-to-gcode
> >> jpg = image-to-gcode
> >> py = python
> >>
> >> [TASK]
> >> TASK = milltask
> >> CYCLE_TIME = 0.010
> >>
> >> [RS274NGC]
> >> PARAMETER_FILE = emc.var
> >>
> >> [EMCMOT]
> >> EMCMOT = motmod
> >> COMM_TIMEOUT = 1.0
> >> COMM_WAIT = 0.010
> >> #BASE_PERIOD = 50000
> >> SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000
> >>
> >> # [HOSTMOT2]
> >> # This is for info only - config line is in the .hal file
> >> # DRIVER0=hm2_7i43
> >> # BOARD0=7i43
> >> # CONFIG0="firmware=hm2/7i43/SVST2_4_7I47B.BIT num_encoders=3
> >> num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=4"
> >>
> >> [HAL]
> >> HALUI = halui
> >> HALFILE = EMCO-CL.hal
> >> HALFILE = custom.hal
> >> POSTGUI_HALFILE = custom_postgui.hal
> >>
> >> [HALUI]
> >> MDI_COMMAND = G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0
> >> MDI_COMMAND = o<probev2> call
> >>
> >> [TRAJ]
> >> AXES = 3
> >> LINEAR_UNITS = inch
> >> ANGULAR_UNITS = degree
> >> CYCLE_TIME = 0.010
> >>
> >> [EMCIO]
> >> EMCIO = io
> >> CYCLE_TIME = 0.100
> >> TOOL_TABLE = tool.tbl
> >>
> >> #********************
> >> # Axis X
> >> #********************
> >> [AXIS_0]
> >> FERROR = 1
> >> MIN_FERROR = 1
> >> MAX_VELOCITY = 2.2
> >> # these are in nanoseconds
> >> DIRSETUP   = 200
> >> DIRHOLD    = 200
> >
> > What motor drivers are you using?  That 200 ns may be too fast for
> > the input opto-isolators and the micro-controllers that run the
> > drivers to respond to a direction change. Start at 2500 and work
> > down. When it miss-fires, add 300 and call it good for that driver.
> >
> >> STEPLEN    = 2000
> >> STEPSPACE  = 1200
> >
> > You might be able to shorten these times, how far might be dependent
> > on the card to driver wireup. You should feed 5 volts to all the
> > drivers + inputs, hook the drivers - terminal to the breakout board
> > terminal and set the active time of the pulse to be a logic zero as
> > most breakout boards have lots more power in the pulldown than in
> > the pullup, and it can make quite a difference in how fast you can
> > spin the motors.
> >
> >
> > Ditto here, try 5 to 10.
> >
> >> STEPGEN_MAXVEL = 2.75
> >> #
> >> P = 1
> >> I = 0
> >> D = 0
> >> FF0 = 0
> >> FF1 = 1.0
> >> FF2 = 0
> >> BIAS = 0
> >> DEADBAND = 0.001
> >> MAX_OUTPUT = 8
> >> #
> >> INPUT_SCALE = -208076.8
> >> SCALE = -50800
> >> MIN_LIMIT = -0.001
> >> MAX_LIMIT = 7.8
> >> # homing
> >> # move here after home switch found:
> >> HOME = 4.0
> >> # home switch is located here:
> >> HOME_OFFSET = 7.8
> >> # initial search velocity in/sec
> >> HOME_SEARCH_VEL = 0.75
> >> # 2nd pass search velocity
> >> HOME_LATCH_VEL = 0.1
> >> # speed to HOME
> >> HOME_FINAL_VEL = 0.5
> >> # yes use index
> >> # do this after Z is homed
> >> # should unhome if estop or power off? no
> >> ======================== end INIL ========================
> >
> > I HTH.
> >
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> > --
> > "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
> > soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> > -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> > Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
> >
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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