Greetings all;

Laying awake thinking about this lathe, and its hal configuration, it 
seems like it would be at least as handy as sliced bread, to have a 
utility that could collect all the processing delays and sort them 
according to the addf order, giving a database of total delays so that 
one could more easily see where a signal processing step was out of 
order, causing a 1 or more total thread processing delay in a given 
signals path thru all the modules.

Rockhopper can give a graphic that can display the path and carefull 
analisis of that artwork can be informative, but it doesn't really show 
where the signal delays are.

Obtaining a copy from rockhopper, poster-izing it to an 8 to 12 sheets of 
paper format, and printing it out, cutting it up because your printer 
has borders, then taping it up to make up a chart that might occupy half 
a sheet of 1/8" paneling is an all day job by the time its been made 
into usable data.

A huge, where do I store it in a crowded shop result that might be 
completely in error 5 minutes later after the first "fix" has been 
applied to the addf order.

We need something that can give us a text list in just a minute or so. 
Ideally it would give us a list of module delays, sorted by addf order 
in one column, and a second column of all the delays that signal 
encounters from the hal read operation, collecting the machines instant 
status, doing all the additional time to the final hal write back to the 
interface, in a format that would show the extra delay in that signals 
path caused by out of order module execution.

Do we have such a utility to do this and I've just not become aware of 

Thanks all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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