On Tuesday 25 September 2018 18:18:06 jeremy youngs wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018, 5:15 AM Gene Heskett <gheskett@  The tapered
> gibs works great on TLM because
> > its carriage is so narrow its nigh impossible to use a qctp on it
> > and keep the point of the tool within the carriages footprint on the
> > bed. But I have a vivid memory of the difficulty in getting the
> > brass, tapered gib dead straight with a file that wasn't straight so
> > there wasn't a spring effect in setting it. The first month I used
> > it, the final wear-in used up much of the adjustment range but its
> > now quite solid and hasn't been readjusted since.
> https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fu
>lk%2Fitm%2F123034789359 This is an excellent solution to the ways/Gibs
> problem. I f used just on the dovetail it will likely move your gib
> enough you will need to re scrape it, I did all sides of mine and had
> to narrow the Gib. I have a 12*34 belt surfacer so that was not a huge
> issue for me. Good luck Gene .
The 5 mill thick, if applied inside the v-way on the bottom the the 
Sheldon's carriage would take up a considerable amount of the gib 
clearance. And should just about nail it if a 2" piece was placed on 
each end of the brass bar. Theres a gib strip on the back of the 
carriage, looks original and shows no sign of the carriage ever lifting 
high enough to touch the underside of the bed lip.

I did note that the front flat at the right end of the bed, has what 
looks like quite a few hammer blows against the inside edge, upsetting 
the bed metal enough to give a 10 thou tip back as the tailstock slides 
over them. So I laid a worn out 1200 grit DMT plate on them and did some 
minor polishing, but its going to take more of that polishing to get it 
down to the surrounding metal's level.  No clue what might have taken a 
dozen or so whacks at it.  That was BG, Before Gene, so I'm just 
guessing. 8 or 10 of them, bookmatch sized bumps once polished enough to 
see them plainly.

Thanks Jeremy.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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