On 2020-02-17 04:49, Les Newell wrote:

  One issue jumps to mind that is different.  The tiny shop I have doesn't have room for a Keyboard, Mouse and Display by the lathe.  I currently have a nice work triangle set up for the lathe toolbench and tool cabinet.  It would require a lot of work to change that at a cost of space lost somewhere else.

Monitor on the wall behind the lathe? Support arm bolted to the wall for the keyboard? If you wanted these things you'd make room. As you don't want them you won't make the room. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. We just have different requirements.

And that's really, from my perspective all I am talking about.   If have to add an external intelligence of some sort to do faster stepping or PWM then the sky's the limit on what is added because that 3GHz 1GB PC isn't fast enough to do what can be done with a small 32 bit ARM if the dedicated $250 CNC boxes from China are to be believed.

Go for it. If you design the board the LinuxCNC developers would be very willing to help you integrate it with LinuxCNC. Of course you'll have to be able to produce it at a price that makes it attractive to buyers.

This is not "start from scratch" situation! We don't live in a vacuum! SBCs are popping up all over the place:

One sysadmin motto I learned long time ago: "Be a lazy sysadmin. Do whatever it takes to simplify or minimize your tasks. Just don't tell to your boss or you'll get even more work to do" ;-)

If you can do it for the right price and if it has the I/O capability I need I'll buy one for my next machine. The display stuff is of no interest to me but keypads are always handy. I use modbus for my keypads at the moment.

First thing to look for is what others are doing using with embedded systems. Most COTS manufacturers support their products for 5 or even 10 years. And there are alternative HW sources. That should be good for CNC also.

I guess what I am suggesting is that it's time for LinuxCNC to be broken apart and a standardized interface for Ethernet control be developed.  Once that could talk to dumb FPGA devices like the 7i92H or to full blown standalone CNC controllers that can act as simple DRO/Power Feed or even simple G-Code like the 3D printers.  Or be connected to the much more powerful LinuxCNC to add, in addition to G-Code the fancy tool changing apparatus along with robotic cells that load and unload the parts.

You are completely missing the point. You don't need to 'break apart' LinuxCNC. It is designed from the ground up to be modular. The

'break apart' is architectural change just like it happened to so many GNU-Linux services or programs. Robotics is one of the closest functions to CNC. Some robots depend on RT kernel but do not have or need GUI on top of it.

Medical robotics is the most critical example of a device that needs to work as planned and programmed. What do they use to write programs or configure the OS? According to one job posting, INTUITIVE SURGICAL uses something like:

Yocto Project works on any architecture. "...You are not locked down to any one supplier as Yocto Project is both open source and supports many architectures" except freaky old parallel port!

"...More and more, these types of devices are prototyped (and sometimes implemented) with easily available consumer hardware devices such as the Raspberry Pi or the BeagleBone, or MinnowBoard"

trajectory planner is just another module. Want to run an external box with it's own TP and I/O? No problem. Write a module to replace it that talks to your TP and you're off to the races. If you have the knowledge to write your own 6 axis TP on an external board, writing the HAL module to talk to it will be a piece of cake.


examples of embedded system customization:

To naysayers; there's gold in those hills: https://www.crunchbase.com/hub/hardware-companies#section-recent-activities

One more comment on application distribution. It's based on my experience from few years ago where "cloud service" was designed on Centos distribution. Programs, libraries, and configuration files were packed as RPMs and installed as such. I proposed much simpler and more flexible packaging, tar files as in Slackware. The advantage would be in architecture where more than one version of service could be installed in parallel without interfering with another one.

Active service would be a link 'from the top directory'. Switching from one version to another one would be simple:
- service <app> stop,
- relink top directory,
- service <app> start.

What we were doing was order pizza, stop services, install RPMs on top of old ones, start services. That process took about 3 hours on all servers in the evenings when the network traffic was low across the USA.

In some instances QA requested we roll back. Argghhh! Obviously, same install process that lasted another 3 hours or so ... My proposed architecture would be done in less than 15 minutes in my estimation.

Think about LinuxCNC and it's packages. Using Slackware method you could try to use different version of LCNC to see if it's good for your CNC setup. If the new version fails (breaks your tool?) you could run "cnc-admin script" to roll back, i.e. relink the app to previous version and start it.

/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/bin  <- binaries or scripts
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/etc  <- config files
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/lib  <- libraries
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/man  <- manual pages
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.8/log  <- log files



Latest release would be:
/opt/linuxcnc -> link to /opt/linuxcnc-v2.8.
Your path to LinuxCNC binaries or scripts would always be
/opt/linuxcnc/bin etc.

Rafael Skodlar

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