Hi Raff,

With Linuxcnc you have the ability to get the sources from git and build
a "Run In Place" setup, doesn't affect your main install and lets you
try out a new version.

I have been thinking of a way to have one Livecd with RTAI & RT_PREEMPT
kernels and matching Linuxcnc editions. A plugin overlay similar to
Salix or Puppy Linux is what I've been thinking of,

but would require creating boot scripts and I feel new user trying it
out may get confused. This is despite how much information is
given.....Users tend to gloss over READMEs and instructions.

Luckily running Linuxcnc is not as complicated as a cloud service and
The Management from Above doesn't get involved. If you read the forums
you'd get an idea of some of the things.

Anyways Mate whilst we may not agree on some things there'll will be
some areas where we may.

On 16/3/20 10:15 am, Rafael Skodlar wrote:
On 2020-02-19 00:11, Robert Murphy wrote:

On 19/2/20 5:47 pm, Rafael Skodlar wrote:
..... snip
examples of embedded system customization:

To naysayers; there's gold in those hills:

One more comment on application distribution. It's based on my
experience from few years ago where "cloud service" was designed on
Centos distribution. Programs, libraries, and configuration files were
packed as RPMs and installed as such. I proposed much simpler and more
flexible packaging, tar files as in Slackware. The advantage would be
in architecture where more than one version of service could be
installed in parallel without interfering with another one.

Active service would be a link 'from the top directory'. Switching
from one version to another one would be simple:
- service <app> stop,
- relink top directory,
- service <app> start.

What we were doing was order pizza, stop services, install RPMs on top
of old ones, start services. That process took about 3 hours on all
servers in the evenings when the network traffic was low across the

In some instances QA requested we roll back. Argghhh! Obviously, same
install process that lasted another 3 hours or so ... My proposed
architecture would be done in less than 15 minutes in my estimation.

Think about LinuxCNC and it's packages. Using Slackware method you
could try to use different version of LCNC to see if it's good for
your CNC setup. If the new version fails (breaks your tool?) you could
run "cnc-admin script" to roll back, i.e. relink the app to previous
version and start it.

/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/bin  <- binaries or scripts
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/etc  <- config files
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/lib  <- libraries
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.6/man  <- manual pages
/opt/linuxcnc-v2.8/log  <- log files



Latest release would be:
/opt/linuxcnc -> link to /opt/linuxcnc-v2.8.
Your path to LinuxCNC binaries or scripts would always be
/opt/linuxcnc/bin etc.

Dunno why you are calling that the "Slackware Method" and I've been
running a 24/7 Slackware server for years. Never in all my years I have
seen that method used in Slackware or mentioned in the docs. Actually I
" Slackware packages can be found with any of the following extensions:

    tbz - Slackware package archive compressed using bzip2
    tlz - Slackware package archive compressed using lzip
    tgz - Slackware package archive compressed using gzip
    txz - Slackware package archive compressed using xz

... Slackware does not automatically track dependencies and install
dependencies when you install a file"

What's simpler than that???

can't recall any official Slackware packages installing into /opt and
linking as you say. Have you used Slackware ?

Slackware is the first one I used in 1994. Before Ygdrasil, Redhat,
Mandrake, and Debian.

Don't take everything so literally. I was just giving an example for
files locations and a method to switch versions without major changes.
See above.

Ubuntu uses /srv a lot. Put LinuxCNC wherever you want, /cnc,
/usr/local/cnc for what I care. What I wanted to point out is the
simplicity in managing multiple versions of the same application or
service on the same system if tar was used rather than other packaging
system. Dependencies will always be an issue as it was pointed out in
other threads a lot recently.

Puppy Linux and Salix use a "Plug in" file system for apps. But usually
a squashfs file system that can be loaded on boot.

If you read the Linuxcnc docs you'd be aware of a Run In Place install.
Which is the recommended method before a full upgrade.
try this one:
emc2-dev/src/emc/motion/teleop-notes points to
http://jmkasunich.com/pics/emc2-motion-dataflow.pdf show me that file.

I'm beginning to think you don't know too much about Linuxcnc and are
trying a push it something that suits your needs or business model.

Keep thinking. I can't read. I'm glad to see you know _everything_ and
how things should be. I observe trends in the industry and point them
out to PC parallel port zealots that suggest using motherboard with
multicore GHz CPUs, and EPP PCI adapter to push 8 bits at a time. So
far I haven't pushed any business model.

Why not do your own crowd funding, fork Linuxcnc and pay for someone to
break it up and rearrange it to suit your needs.

That's because I don't have your permission to fork from PPC or as
much money as you do.

Why did I decide to resurrect this thread? My first response did not
go through a few weeks ago, and because RaspberryPi came up again
recently. Mixing 3.3V devices with relatively high power devices like
motors, etc. in CNC is asking for trouble.

While Mesa 7190 is fine board, what's the second or alternative
source? Are connectors or bus standard? What about IO levels (page 21).
"... The outputs are push pull CMOS  that will drive to the output
supply rail of 3.3V. This is sufficient for TTL compatibility but may
cause problems with some types of loads.  For  example  when driving
an  LED  that  has  its  anode  connected  to  5V,  in such devices 
as  OPTO  isolators  and  I/O  module  rack SSRs,    the  3.3V  high
level  may  not completely  turn  the LED  off"
I can't find logic diagram for that board to indicate how to connect
it to other things. That's very important to anybody that want's to
use such a board. File
http://www.mesanet.com/pdf/parallel/7i90hdman.pdf (created on Windows
under E:\\WPD\\............... to let you know I pay attention to

Before coming back with another attack please read Embedded-computing
or other professional publications that describe systems suitable for
industrial or CNC use.

We live in hard times; no sense of humor, no interests to make things
better, no interest to learn,...

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