On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 22:27:01 -0800
Chris Albertson <albertson.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 11:06 AM Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> > On Monday 27 January 2020 11:39:27 dave engvall wrote:
> >
> > > Linuxcnc get used because it works ... at least well enough to get
> > > most jobs done.
> >
> The topic came up because someone asked if anyone was using LinuxCNC for
> large scale work.   No one raised their hand.   Why are they not using
> LinuxCNC to make transmission parts at the Toyota factory?  It seems to be
> powering a few one-man shops and some hobby projects.

Are in doubt is a good idea to make parts for large company. Don't know but 
expect they are very likely to make complaint and claim high damages. Not sure 
if got last sentence correct. What I would expect then making part for a large 
company is a lot of work and little money at best.

It might be you need is machine from one of large companies, or at least 
measurement machine from one of the large companies to fight there claims.

> Why?  Someone might think that open source is not usable in industrial
> settings but.  That is clearly not true.   It must be something about
> LinuxCNC that makes it unsuitable.       I'm guessing itis the platform and
> that it does not work well out of the box and is basically just a kt of
> parts and not a product and it does not scale well to large factory floor
> sized systems.

Expensive companies usually claim a well known brand is better.

> But it does work well-enough for small shops where the owner is willing to
> invest much of his own time.

Might be a good point, if there is not enough money in case something does not 
work as expected investing some more time might be a possibility for a small 
one man workshop. Then salary is not everything, your own workshop nearby then 
no time need to be spent on traveling nor money, it might also happen workshop 
is located on country side there living is cheap and usually it's rather boring 
to work in a factory.

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