On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 at 18:30, Nicklas SB Karlsson
<nicklas.karlsso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Limit3 function is what trajector planner must follow if acceleration is 
> allowed to change instantly, if jerk could be changed instantly it had to 
> follw a limit4 function
> In doubt Limit3 function is useful in between PID and PWM.

The reason I suggested Limit3 after the PID is because we don't have a
Limit4. The output of the PID is offset by by 1 or 2 orders[1] of

With a torque-mode drive it would actually be the second term that you
would need to adjust in an after-the-pid setup.
With a velocity mode drive, then you would limit the third term to
limit the machine jerk.

[1] Or levels. I don't know what the right word is, and Google just
takes me to introductory calculus texts.

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