Hi Ron,

Here is how I searched for what you are trying to do if I understand you right.

CLI is the best way to manage software in my experience. I rarely use GUI utility even in Kubuntu workstation.

As a root in my Kubuntu I have the following aliases:
alias acse='apt-cache search '
alias acsh='apt-cache show '
alias agar='apt-get autoremove'
alias agd='apt-get dist-upgrade'
alias agg='apt-get upgrade '
alias agi='apt-get install '
alias agr='apt-get remove'
alias agu='apt-get update '
alias asv='apt-show-versions -p'

On 9/15/20 9:37 PM, R C wrote:

I have been using freecad for designing parts, and then milling them on a sherline mill, getting the hang of that a little bit.

I tried to get used to FreeCAD too but takes more time than I can dedicate at this point.

I have a lathe too, that works with CNC linux, but noticed heard, that you can't really  make parts, or g-codes, with it for a lathe.

So for program or related library search I do it this way:
* command
acse lathe

That returns more or less related lines with a description like this:

dxf2gcode - prepares drawings of parts for automatic machine tools
php-tcpdf - PHP class for generating PDF files on-the-fly
ruby-ami - Ruby client library for the Asterisk Management Interface

next command will tell me more about some related package:
acsh dxf2gcode

Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/p/dxf2gcode/wiki/Home/
Description-en: prepares drawings of parts for automatic machine tools
 This program reads 2D mechanical drawings of parts to be fabricated
 and produces G-code tool movement instructions for running on automatic
 machine tools (CNC machines) such as milling machines and lathes.
 This is a graphical CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) program.
It accepts input in DXF, PDF, or Postscript format. It supports milling, drilling, and turning operations, as well as work-holding tabs.

I did not include lines with checksums etc. to make it clearer here.

What wold be a good choice for designing, simple, parts for a lathe, that will create g-code for it?

"It accepts input in DXF, PDF, or Postscript format. It supports milling, drilling, and turning operations, as well as work-holding tabs."

That's impressive assuming it work as described.

To install the program I would use the command:
agi dxf2gcode

After that you can execute it from CLI or GUI menu.

Of course there is option to install as a unprivileged user:

sudo apt install dxf2gcode
but I'm trying to save keyboard keys ;-)



I have not tried to install and try this program yet but might do it in one of my VMs later.

Searching for CAD I received one related app among other things:
solvespace - Parametric 2d/3d CAD

If the output is too long you may narrow it down with
acse cad | grep CAD

here's a description for solvespace:

Homepage: http://solvespace.com
Description-en: Parametric 2d/3d CAD
 SolveSpace is a parametric 2d/3d CAD program. Applications include:
  * modeling 3d parts — draw with extrudes, revolves, and Boolean
    (union / difference) operations;
  * modeling 2d parts — draw the part as a single section, and export DXF,
    PDF, SVG; use 3d assembly to verify fit;
  * 3d-printed parts — export the STL or other triangle mesh expected by
    most 3d printers;
  * preparing CAM data — export 2d vector art for a waterjet machine or
    laser cutter; or generate STEP or STL, for import into third-party
    CAM software for machining;
  * mechanism design — use the constraint solver to simulate planar or
    spatial linkages, with pin, ball, or slide joints;
  * plane and solid geometry — replace hand-solved trigonometry and
    spreadsheets with a live dimensioned drawing.

The best test would be to see how the generated (awful) G-code would behave in LinuxCNC of course.

This also reminded me about a book I bought in 1990s: The CNC Workbook (Addison Wesley 65600) that came with a floppy for DOS program. I misplaced the floppy but remember there was a program to simulate CNC lathe. Very good book with labs to learn CNC basics.

Good luck,

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